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I'd like to hear some feedback on my works.

I've been trying to diversify my content and made so many new things this month such as for example the website where I just dedicated such incredible amounts of time and money to. But I feel like it's all stagnating. Piracy is on an all time high, channel is in a slow stagnation and it's nagging on my mind. This week is a low point of my life. I even tried out animation in hopes it could spark a new fire.

I have a variety of cool new ideas but I fear that i'll just pour my time and ressources into the wrong things again. What would you like to see more of and what didn't work? It's that kind of feedback a creator sometimes needs to hear to find the problems so I can take that and think on solutions. The community is the one who's best at seeing problems, it'll be my responsibility to take that feedback and turn it into something new and positive.

I want this to be the best content a giantess lover could want and avoid suffocating myself in needless structures that I've set myself, cause right now I feel like I'm ripping myself apart. I've used to consume my own content like crazy. This stopped completely these past 2 weeks.


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Burnout is a very real thing. Personally I'm a fan of slow growth over time but I've rarely seen stories like that remain good all the way through since I'm not a fan of anything above Mini-giantess. If you're having fun and enjoying what you're doing you should definitely keep at it and I did like your animation previews besides the Text-to-Speech voices but if you're unable to work with voice actors it's a fine substitute but I think you would get better feedback from voiceless animations with gestures and facial expressions. Sorry about this message being all over the place.


I really like your work, I do not comment or fav often. I might not be the only one to think like that, so even if you don't have feedback it doesn't mean we don't like your work. Putting too much pressure on you isn't good. Keep Lisa growing :D


It really sucks to hear people have been stealing your work. Regardless of if I can see this content elsewhere or whatever, I am part of the patreon because I like your work and want to support that. I just want to say your work has always been amazing and while I arrived late, catching up has been a joy. It's been inspirational seeing your work evolve and it got me to try out Koi for the first time. Don't push yourself harder. I think taking some time off or reducing the load you put on yourself would be best mentally. Doubling down on more projects risks you resenting your work more. The Lisa series has been solid from the beginning. Every update has always left me excited and waiting for the next one. I really appreciate how much you stay in contact with your community. It makes me feel seen and a part of something. I'm excited to see more of the Imouto. It started out great and I am very interested in a more raunchy story in comparison to the cute story of Lisa. I feel like the mini-comics you do are very similar and don't really add anything. The polls for them usually goes to the most fan-service choices. It would be awesome to see you experiment more with these mini-comics and try something new without any worry since these are stand-alones. You definitely specialize in the slice-of-life style comics. Maybe try out a different genre?


It's sad to hear about the piracy, I am sorry you are going through such as thing. One idea or suggestion for your website is to use some pages to advertise for the chapters and then have the rest linked to a Google or Mega folder encrypted and with a password. You still get to show off your work and entices people to subscribe on your patreon to get the password to see the whole chapter. Either way, good job on making a website for yourself and trying new things but I do hope you are taking some time for yourself. Do not burn yourself out. Enjoy life and get rest when needed. I am patreon because I like your style and light hearted stories. The whole Lisa adventure seems fun but at times it feels repetitive. I always see her with her friends and that's fine, they provide an excellent insight on Lisa is growth. However, I would suggest for Lisa trying to do normal lifestyle tasks by herself. Going to work, shopping, gaming or any entertainment activity, homework etc. She has gotten this big, it would be nice to see how she is handling with all the constant changes. Is she struggling, frustrated or is she thriving and still enjoying it? Who knows? Other suggestions would be to diversify where settings are taking place. From what I see, it is Slice of Life or at a beach/resort or in the city. Great places and have a ton of usage and I think you have used these places rather well but it would be nice to see some other places. For example, maybe a research facility or a deserted island/jungle or classic stuff like farms etc. With new places you have new opportunities to make dynamic stories. Who knows maybe you can weave some of your old stories into new ones. For example, with the end of NNN coming soon. Maybe you can make a story years into the future were we see humanity and what is has developed into. Maybe a lucky scientist or the government has unlocked something from the milk left behind. What are they doing with it? Is it good or bad, who knows? or maybe Earth and the rest of humanity has changed drastically from all the excess milk. How has society changed? Maybe cults or religions spewed out in this time period. Maybe make an investigator like character researching these cults or the government. Maybe they are trying to uncover the truth about that time and Government is trying to hide it and preventing even more worship etc. Good job on everything and I hope this helps.


Unfortunately, piracy will always be an issue but I hope you do not get too discouraged. There are many people like me who love your content and are more than happy to support you on patreon. As for the actual content, I feel you try too many things at once. Diversifying content is nice but only if it does not come at the cost of the main content people support you for, i.e. comics. The animation was nice but I would rather have gotten another comic. I think animations would take a lot of your time to perfect, and in that time the amount of comic content we would get would degrade. Another thing is that what drew me to your content was the storytelling. A lot of the patreon mini-comics are just fan service scenes, which I mean are nice but once they are over there is no sense of 'I want to read that again' or 'I wonder what happens next'. I still think having mini comics is a good idea but perhaps their content needs a rethink. Personally what I feel I would like the most is for you to have a longer running patreon comic that would allow you to do some more background telling. Imouto was perfect for this and I think if you were to make this your main patreon comic, a lot of people, including me would be very happy! This would allow you to develop Laylas story more but still include a lot of fan service because that is the nature of the comic. Also, I know you have been busy recently, but a big 'selling' point of your patreon was early access to Lisa's main story but we have not had any Lisa early access in a very long time, largely losing the need for patreon for many as they can just see it on DeviantArt. With those suggestions, you could then have the following Patreon tiers: - Lisa tier: the basic lisa package, which gives early access and bonus lisa pics. - Imouto tier: mid tier giving everything the Lisa tier gives plus access to a monthly long running comic, hopefully Imouto! as well as access to mini comics. -Top tier: Maybe use this for people who just want to support you, occasionally offering new things you are trialling, animations, 2d, commissions, etc. Finally, a community discord may be a cool idea, for people to discuss ideas and meet fellow giantess lovers!


Website: Your website is great, it's well organized and it's good to be able to go to specific points in the comics as well. Either you can open the page later for other creators so they can upload something too. The Creator Cup: is also something different and you also find new creators that you didn't know before, a problem that could only be that the bigger creators get more votes than the small ones. Comics: I think your comics are the best, always a good story, good balance between males and females (which I miss in Astraea-R), the characters always look different so there is something for everyone. Animation: It's your first animation, so I think there's still room for improvement. But the voices were emotionless or talked monotonously. And with the sound effects you could also do more when the character walks that you hear the footsteps or when he grows that he makes sounds like Mhhh or Ahhh and so on.


Good evening, Lexy. I'm sorry you're having these bad feelings right now and that the hacking is here to make things worse... Personally, I love your work, you give 100% to give us content and that's more than admirable, really. You've created the cup to make lesser known artists in the giantess known and that's very nice of you. My favorite series you've done is NNN, I loved it but to a point, oh my god. I love the rapid growth although it's even better when it stops for a while and then resumes so the "giantess" can enjoy her new size for a while. NNN was beautiful because it had this phenomenon, women growing step by step even though bigger breaks would have made it even better but it was already beautiful. After your main Lisa series is also very cool but not my favorite. I think it's the one you care most about but I wouldn't put it first in my heart, sorry. The growth is not fast enough for me. To talk about the animation you did, it was really cool and I really liked it. Your stories like the NNN epilogue, etc. have a special place in my heart. I understand that you are kind of unmotivated right now but we will do everything to rekindle the flame in you because you are an amazing producer. I send you a lot of love and courage. PS: Long live Giantess !!!


The first 2 weeks of NNN were the most fun I ever had out of all the projects. Sadly that can't be said about the stuff afterwards 🥲


If you feel like your giantess content is starting to wear on you, perhaps you can integrate in other kinks you may enjoy. As for what to do next, a slice of life series as other commenters have mentioned would be a welcomed change of pace. Perhaps a mini-giantess who is uncomfortable with her growing body and struggles with many things not built for her size. So she needs the loving support of a partner to overcome her challenges and accept herself. Additionally, I think I've asked you about VR before, but it would be awesome if you could start producing 3D giantess content. however, I understand the potential audience for 3D is much less so it's completely understandable if you'd rather satisfy more viewers.


Don't worry about it, even if the rest wasn't as good as the first two weeks according to you, you worked tremendously and I really liked your work 😊.