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If possible I'd like 5 minutes of your time in shaping the new upcoming series by answering a few questions: https://form.typeform.com/to/WNm3D5tR
I'm glad to have this opportunity again, a lot of ideas have built up over the time which just want to be unleashed! Maybe your ideas can help shaping the new series too!

EDIT: Apparently this post was only visible to free members, thus I'm reposting it now. If you already completed your survey as a free member your results are still saved.




Just wanna say I love that you’re taking feedback so seriously. Also shrink is not GTS but it is GTS adjacent. It is the Macro/micro community after all lol


Yeah it has been exactly 1 year since I last made such a survey: https://www.patreon.com/posts/patreon-discord-81942391 It really helps to see things that go unnoticed and I like it for that. Especially criticism is a lot easier for people when posten anonymously but also inner desires and wishes. Gives a good idea how prevelant what is.


I love to see girls getting bigger and bigger, so it's my favorite cartoon. Nonstop Growth November,I am very excited to see that she is still growing in the end. I hope you can make more similar content.❤️