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TL;DR: My PC has gone kaputt, there might not be any new preview chapters uploaded next week. I'll release two preview chapters to compensate if such a thing does happen. Below are the ramblings of someone who has gotten slightly mad (and emotional) while trying to fix their PC.

Every beautiful things has its end. 

My hard disk, too, was a beautiful thing. As of today, it lays in life support, and soon it shall fly up to Hard Disk Heaven to meet its manufacturer.

Soon, an SSD shall take the place where my 6-year old HDD once stood. Until the switching of posts, my computer shall stay dormant, unable to store any more John Brown Isekai. 

Maybe the following week shall not bring any more of John Brown's adventures, depending on when I manage to get the damn thing installed. I am sorry for potentially being unable to deliver any more soul-marching-on adventures on schedule.

Rest in peace, hard disk, I knew ye well. Or not. Runnning Windows 10 on an HDD was not a pleasant experience. It actually took about half a minute for my PC to boot. This shall be my last post made while running an HDD, and I'm glad that I have now acquired an excuse to replace it. 

When I bought this PC, SSD's were still pretty damn expensive, and with time and patience, now they're at a point where I can afford to get a decent SSD thanks to my Patrons (1TB of SSDage costs somewhere around 50$ where I live, which is also how much you awesome folk currently give me every month!). 

(Talk of the more serious kind ahead) I'd normally be fretting over the costs of such a device, but thanks to you, I don't have to worry about small expenses like this anymore. It has felt surreal to reach, from my days writing The Errant Otherworlder and being an absolute noob, a point where people like my writing enough to support me (I'm actually tearing up while writing this, thank you fine folk). The John Brown Isekai has given me hope that, maybe, I might be able to do something I love without having to live on the streets.

I'm still only at the beginning of my journey in writing (I've only written, on total, around 200k words, which is nothing compared to other authors) and I hope that my writing will only get better with time. I hope that you'll stick around, even when the John Brown Isekai is one day over, to see what I'll cook up next. 

Thank you for your support up until now, and cheers!

...wait, wasn't this post supposed to be an eulogy for my HDD? Uhh... 

R.I.P. HDD McHDDson, 2017-2023.


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