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TL;DR: I'm going to be spending my free time (a.k.a. time where I'm not writing the John Brown Isekai) to sometimes write a slice-of-life Touhou fanfic that I've been planning for some time. The first chapter will release sometime next month. The schedule of the John Brown Isekai won't be affected in any way, shape or form; you can safely ignore this announcement if you're not interested in this new work.


In the forgotten lands of Gensokyo lay many a fantastical creature and personages even more fantastical than any creature – there lay plentiful of vampires, ghosts, tengus, onis, so on and so forth. The land is a refuge for these creatures who are oft forgotten in the 21stcentury of the Outside World (Earth) and whisked away through a barrier that separates this odd realm from the normal world that lays outside.

Perhaps the oddest location in Gensokyo, amongst those comprehendible to the ordinary human mind, is the Scarlet Devil Mansion. A Western mansion, sticking out like a sore thumb in an Eastern land, inhabited by: a gatekeeper who can’t gatekeep, a maid / ninja / very normal human who can control time itself, an asthmatic witch with an impressive collection of books in Esperanto, the mansion’s vampiric mistress with a penchant for trolling, and the aforementioned mistress’ little sister who has the ability to destroy anything and / or anyone at will. Oh, and one last thing, the vampires serve humans for breakfast, dinner and lunch.

As evidenced above, the Scarlet Devil Mansion is not a suitable place to live for your run-of-the-mill homo sapiens with any smidgeon of sanity.

Thus, it is quite a troubling predicament when an ordinary human named Licorice Meidou finds herself in the grounds of the mansion, with no idea as to where she is or who she is. She ends up being recruited on the whim of the mansion’s mistress, stepping foot into the bizarre land of Gensokyo as she has to contend with whatever fate has in store for her.

What to expect from this work:

- The world of Gensokyo as told from the perspective of an ordinary, human female MC working in the Scarlet Devil Mansion that should be easy to get into for people who know nothing about Touhou.

- Some comedy, some drama, lots of slices-of-life.

- Scenes of people consuming tea.

What to not expect from this work:

- High octane action with high-stakes drama.

- An overpowered MC who gets all the girls.

- John Brown. Please read the John Brown Isekai if you were expecting the aforementioned.

This is a project that I began since I wanted to practice writing something that wasn’t:

A. Isekai (John Brown Isekai: End of the Slave Empire)
B. Nekopara x John Brown Fanfiction (JBI: Total Nekonomic Collapse)
C. Parody of Isekai and Fantasy (The Errant Otherworlder).

Since I’m currently busy writing the John Brown Isekai, this work will not have a consistent upload schedule. I’ll only update this whenever I have an idea and time for a chapter. I hope you enjoy whatever I end up writing here.

The public release will happen a couple weeks after the release of the first chapter on Patreon. I hope that it'll be enjoyable to read even if you know nothing about the source material.



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