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TL;DR: I've updated my Patreon tiers and offerings to be more in line with others authors. Those pledging 5$ will still get the same amount of chapters, there's no price increase. The highest tier has been raised to 10$, with a total of 20 preview chapters on offer.

So, unexpected IRL events have happened, and I've taken the the oppurtunity to sit down and write as much John Brown Isekai as humanly possible.

I've completed ten chapters in the last few days, and I'm happy to announce that I've reached my current goal for early Patreon chapters. I've changed the tiers accordingly, and these prices and numbers should stay without changing for a long while.

Here are the updated figures for each tier:

(1$) Brassican Disciple: 1
(3$) -> (5$) Brassican Lay-Preacher: 5 -> 10
(5$) -> (10$) Brassican Preacher:  10 -> 20

I'll be manually have to edit tiers and post the chapters. I need to manually edit every chapter to make sure they have appropriate tiers etc. Please be patient while I do so. The changes should all be done in less than an hour, please do not panic.

(Update: All the chapters have been uploaded and the benefits updated. Please do notify if there's anything janky going on.)

I hope you continue enjoying the John Brown Isekai, I certainly enjoy writing it. Thank you so much for your support, and cheers!


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