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(sorry for the delay)

New wardrobe haz been acquired, this singlet should be able to stretch and maintain form with ze subject. With ze assistance of trainer Gunthor, we should have the means of proper training equipment and diet... for now.

Subject Golborne haz shown a rapid change in growth. While previous growth spurtz focused on curtain areas, the recent growth haz allowed the rest of ze body to catch up. As a result, Golborne haz doubled in height.  Though many portions such as ze testicals and gluts have remained abnormally large. Ze Hips have also widened in response to ze latest growth in gluts. 

After monitoring ze subject's vitals, and due to the surge in metabolism I have hypothesized that the next growth spurt will be shall be a massive increase, hyper even. I have set into action to acquiring large amounts of food and water.  





Does this mean Golborne is now over 6’ in height? It says his height doubled but the guy behind him looks like a Goblin and Golborne doesn’t look that much taller than him.


perspective, also golborne was kinda short