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Okay so I live down in Texas and the heat gets to 110*F on the regular. Air condition is a mandatory need to live down here. We had to replace ours which costed about $6,000. I live with about 5 other people so we decided to split the bill 6 ways so each of us payed a grand. It's up and running now, but I'm none too plused that I had to pay for something that's supposed to have a warranty on it. 

TlDR: I need to make up for the funds I lost so it's  commission time. 

Same rules as before: 4 slots at a time. First come first serve. Money within the week to confirm your order. The spots open up in 6 hours from now (11pm central)

 Also gonna be doing some adoptables to help as well. 




Yikes! I hope this helps replace it


Sorry to hear, I hope you get lots of takers.