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Well, it is the best place to hide. Not gonna stand out if I'm dancing on the floor like everyone else. It's gonna be pretty hard to find anyone in there, but I imagine it'll be hard to miss someone my size in a crowd. (Just look for the gaps in tall people.)

Now that I'm not in the vents and the music isn't muffled, I have to say this club has some good taste. Something to get the blood pumping too. Wait is that?

Oh shit they got a Kenku DJ. Those guys can mimic any sound they hear, guess that's how he's making the music. Not to mention the magic gear he's got, the stage is full of thaumaturgy enchantments to amp up the bass and there's dancing lights everywhere. Who knows what else this place has installed. Gozu does have a hand in magic item trade, I guess this is what he's investment here was for. Wonder if I can swipe one of these magic trinkets. 

Anyway, time to blend in...

Alright, as much as I hate to admit it, yeah I need to loose the poncho. No one wearing one of these would make it in here to begin with. And honestly, with how much skin I'm seeing out here I think I would stand out more if I had a normal shirt. I'm keeping the pants though. 

I make my way through the dance floor, dancing to the beat as I slowly wind my way through. I get a few looks, but most people are too busy with their own vibing to care. Of course I save my best moves for later, but with this music it's hard not to want to get down. They got a really good DJ...

Heh, best part about being short; getting to be the perfect height to watch them hips swing...

A: "Huh? oh hey guys. Was wondering where you went. And while I won't make a scene I'll tell ya I'm at the bar. Boss man told me to get a drink and relax when he told me he was heading to the employee's only room. Said something about a show. Guess we're about to see what he meant.

Back on the dance floor, I was side stepping my way through the dance floor but couldn't see any sign of Alastor or Gozu. I was making my way to the bar to check when the DJ spoke up. 

"P-P-P-P-Party People! It's your bird, DJ SongBird. ArE YoU ReAdY tO gEt DoWn??"

As he shouted out to the dancers, the wall behind him opened up and a couple of flouting disks came flowing down to the floor.

Holy fuck... Just seeing this was enough to raise a flag for my employer. Pretty sure, working as a stripper at a club his company probably invested in seemed pretty big social wise. I could just leave now if I didn't have to watch him all night, but now comes the issue. I want that bonus. And I need solid proof that it was him at this club swinging on a floating stripper pole. 

How are we going about this?





Reed A. Saur

This is even better than I had hoped! I had pictured Gozu and Alastor grinding on Golborne, but we get three shirtless scenes plus Gozu dancing on a pole? Hell yeah! I don't even feel bad about getting proof about this, considering Gozu seems to want everyone to know.