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Yeah, the roof usually is the best option for these buildings, old warehouses usually don't have flat tops like this, so that means that there's must be vents or a roof hatch for maintenance. AKA my ticket in. Though it's gonna be hard to scale this wall, there's nothing to grab on and it's a straight up climb, I might need to rethink this to get up there...

Lol, just kidding I got this shit.

Alright, now all I got to do is find an entrance. I don't see door, but there are some vents. Big enough for me to go through too.

I'm in.

Now all I got to do is get to the floor and find Gozu. It hasn't been too long, but I've lost visual of my target. They could have gotten to just about anywhere so it's gonna be hard to find them. If I don't find them quick enough, they could just leave. And then I'm pretty sure that means I don't get paid. 

I think I see an exit up ahead...

Uh god, it's like a rainbow got hooked on Feydust and its having a stroke in here. Not to mention loud. I don't think I've ever seen a stage like that. Its like the church organ if it was super bass-y.  At least the dance floor seems to dip it... kind a catchy... Focus Golborne, you need to find Gozu. But where could he be? Its so dark and bright at the same time, I'm gonna have trouble finding anyone down there and I have to assume that if any security finds me I'm in trouble. So I need to focus on where to start.

The dance floor is gonna have a lot of people, but I'll blend in perfectly if I loose this poncho. I can easily crawl down the wall, no one will notice me with all the lights and sounds going off. 

There's a bar and sitting area to the side, I could check if they got drinks or a table, but I'd be in the open. 

I think I see a VIP area on the second floor, I could maybe go further in through the vents to get there, but I'm pretty sure they'll hear me crawling through the vents. Everyone down there can't hear me cause of the bass probably. 

Where do I start?




Reed A. Saur

Now, you'd THINK he'd be in the VIP area. But! During our brief exposure to Gozu, we know he has exhibitionist tendencies (sound familiar, Golborne?) And he likes to be admired. So he won't be bored in a private room when he could be showing off his Performance rolls on the dance floor. He likely has Allister nearby in case of trouble. Or maybe he just likes having a huk follow him around.