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It's my job to watch this Gozu guy so I have to anyway, no since in blowing my cover yet. As for that Asshole Alastor, I'll deal with him later. Motherfucker, that's one of my good dress shirts too. I can already see him stretching it out. I swear if he rips it, I'm gonna shove my foot up his ass. 

I follow in the dark as they make their way around. The middle district is pretty lit up at night, but I can manage. Not a lot of crime reported here either so it should be relatively safe for everyone on this little nightly stroll. 

...Where the hell are they going??

(Neither Gozu or Alastor notice Golborne)

A: "Oh, the voices are back. Neat."

Gozu: "What was that?"

A: "Oh nothing boss man, just enjoy the night's view."

A: I don't know if you guys can hear me, but I can't really have our usual fun. I'm on a job. And as tempting as that ass is, the Halfing is hiring me to keep people off him who don't have permission. It is a nice ass though. 

So you're probably wondering how I got here right? Well when I retired as a mercenary, I didn't really have a retirement plan in stalled. Most mercs don't retire. So when I came to the city I put in a form as a body guard. I got a taker right here. I got a call via magic telling me I got an escort job for this Gozu fella. When I was told to dress to impress, I grabbed some from the room in the back. Thankfully Golborne and I are the same(ish) size, and I made my way here. And yeah, I saw the note he left, I should be back before he comes back so I'll put them back then.  No harm done. 

This Gozu guy sure is well off, fancy digs and fancy rooms. Easy job too, all I got to do is keep him safe as he does his own thing here in the middle district. Not sure where we going though. Oh well. 

Ha, you guys sure are a horny bunch. Well, I'd gladly do that if the little fire crotch was here. Think Gozu here be down for it too honestly. When I got to his room, the first thing he did was strip down and take a bath as he told me to get ready to go. Wasn't shy about flaunting that tail of his neither. For a moment I thought I got hired as a whore, but when he got dressed and told me to follow I got the feeling he was just teasing me. But who knows, maybe I'll get lucky~


Golborne: "Okay, we're getting somewhere... and what is that sound?"

A loud beat was thumping in the air as the night sky was slightly lit up from something going down in this one building. The murmers of people nearby made me fall back a bit, but I was able to keep track of my target easy enough. 

Wait, this is that Club I heard about. This Club took forever to get put up in the middle district, I think its called Dust. There was a huge debate on whether it would only invite crime activity into the sanctuary that is the middle district. Apparently it's completely ran by the city government to prevent it from turning into sleezy mess, no thieves guild access what so ever. It must of finally opened its doors to the public. 

I saw Gozu simply walk in with Alastor, which I guess makes sense what with him being so well connected. Question is, how am I gonna get in to this packed club?

What's my next move?





Reed A. Saur

Golborne's annoyance is so adorable...

Will Hanema

I find it kinda funny that they would both end up getting jobs that essentially run contrary to each other, but who cares? It's time for more fourth-wall-breaking daddy-imp stealing my heart~ And of course we're a horny bunch, Alastor~ You're a total dad and Golborne's real cute when he's blissed the fuck out~ *wink*