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Yeah, going topside is for the best. Honestly walking through the sewer has been less than pleasant. With how dangerous it's been I don't want to risk running into anyone else. True it can be just as dangerous in the city at night, but at the very least the odds of getting jumped is pretty low. 

I made my way far away enough from the guild to not risk getting it sniffed out. I need to make my way to the "transport" if I'm gonna make my way into the middle district. Might need to do some sweet talking to get it done, but nothing new. 

Alright, no one to slow me down. No one looking for trouble. No guards to 'randomly selective search' me. It is pretty late. Whatever, on to the transport. Though honestly I'm just hoping "he" isn't running tonight. 

I got enough to pay the fee, but there's always one ass who tries to get extra on the side. 

God damn it. 

"Well if it isn't my favorite passenger, gonna be heading into the middle district?"

This orc bastard is Burul, he's a transporter for the guild. For a small fee he can smuggle small guys like me to the middle district. 

B: "You gonna be paying with gold this time, or are ya gonna slob on me cock like before?"

G: "That was a one time thing."

B: "Sure it was."

It wasn't... Look don't judge me. Getting into the middle district is hard. And I've had to spend all my spare cash on getting the good jobs. 

G: "Whatever, just get me in, I'm on the clock." I hand over the gold needed to get through

-Money spent (Passive persuasion check passed)

B: "Aw, was looking forward to making you gag on me sausage, but gettin' a closers look at ya, your teeth looking a little… sharp.   A'well, I'll just ask for your ass on the way out."

G: "Not happening."

B: "Of course not~"

Fucking asshole. he figured out that I'm always low on funds so now he's getting some side action. He hasn't told anyone as far as I know. If he did, he'd be doing side jobs while being contracted by the guild so that would be the end of him. 

As much as I hate it, its an easy way to make my way through the city. The less money I have to spend the better. 

Still kinda sucks having to be crammed into one of these pots though. 

B: "You know, if you're willing to reconsider, I could hide you under blanket while you blow me down."

G: "I'm not giving you road head..."

B: "You're no fun today."

Thankfully these trips are pretty short, we have to stop at a few check points, but other than that its a smooth ride. 

B: "Alright, here's your stop. If you need passage back, you know the price."

I don't bother giving him a response, I know where to go and I can get there by myself. 

The buildings here are so decorated that there's plenty of ledges and bricks I can just scale up freestyle. I'm right outside the Dragon's Roost so I should be able to see the pent house from up here. Good thing I have a spy glass in my bag. Alright, his room was C312 so if I remember the blueprints correctly his room should be right...

OH, well... hmmm I feel a bit awkward. But that's him alright. Damn he's even hairier than I am right now. Whatever, I just need to watch if he does anything for the rest of the night. I'm not a perve, I'm just doing my job.... 

I spend about an hour watching this halfling walk around naked in his apartment, I think he's letting his fur air dry. He's done nothing by just walk around or stretch out. He's not going to bed for some reason though...

… okay yeah, just sitting up here and watching him like a creep is pretty boring. Plus that bonus was pretty big... But I'm not doing this cause you told me to...

With ease I'm able to make my way down. I had to go slow though. The Dragon's Roost might be slacking on security, but I was seeing a lot of activity in the area. I think someone's hosting a party near by cause I can start to hear some music. Weird that I hadn't noticed it before. Whatever, all I got to do is sneak inside and grab a bellboy suit in my size. Once I get that I can head up stairs and work my magic. The whole, "I've been hired by the establishment" routine should do. VIP's always get special entertainment. Now to-!!!

As I'm getting close to the entrance I see Alastor walk out with Mr. Gozu. WAIT ARE THOSE MY CLOTHES!? FUCKING BITCH! What the hell is he doing here? 

More importantly, how I'm a gonna handle this? I didn't think he'd leave the building, let alone with someone. Also, what the fuck is Alastor doing??

What's my next move?




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