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Well the name does give a nice ring to it. 00G. "Shaken not stirred." Heh, I'd look good in a suit. From what I'm reading, it's just me pulling a stocker all night, but I need to actually know where and who I'm targeting. Still before I begin I need to actually pay for the job. 

The way things work down here is that in order to take jobs down here, you need lay claim on them by putting some gold down. For big jobs, they get sold at auctions for the highest bid. Details are hidden, but usually the pay is worth the bid. Mostly... Jobs like this that either don't pay as much or have too much value don't need much, but paying for them insures that no one tries to do the same job twice and limit the chances of getting the job swiped at the last minute. 

Right now though, I need a shirt. Cause I'm not walking into this with my tits out.

Easy. Not the best quality, but if it was it wouldn't have been so easy to swipe. Stealing isn't really looked down upon down here so the worst I would get is a black eye for this, but so long as I don't get caught its fine. It's just a poncho, but it covers everything at least. Anyway, time to pay the brokers for this job.

Buying a job is always anonymous, we know nothing of the people who set up these jobs and the higherups distribute the important ones to higher members who get the most results. My rank gets me a few auction jobs, but nothing higher. 

Alright, I got the Stamp of approval. And my name is now on the job. No one's gonna steal this from me now. And now for details.


Name: Neos Gozu


A young wealthy business owner that has family ties with several other merchant guilds. His business is focused on magic item trade and regulation. He's currently residing in the Dragon's Roost Hotel in the center district. Room C312, the pent house sweet. 

Your job is to record all activity, if any, that happens through out the night. Mr. Gozu is known to have an active night life and wonders often. Reporting back will result in the initial fee, reporting back with unusual or dubious behavior with proof will result in a generous bonus.

Under NO CERCOMSTANCE IS MR. GOZU meant to be harmed. This contract ends when Mr. Gozu leaves the city in the morning. Any connection to this job should you be discovered will result in denial. You are on your own should anything happen. 

Well this job sounds simple enough and if I play my cards right I might make bank. So I guess now the question is, how do I want to proceed? I could get there by sewer, but odds are I'm gonna get attacked like I did earlier. It'll be better to go to the surface and proceed from there. I've been to the Dragon's Roost before. A real ritzy place, but lacking in the security department. Not to mention plenty of tall buildings I could climb to get a view of the pent house. Or I could sneak inside and get a closer view. I need proof of him doing shit in the night if I want that bonus. 

So what's the plan?






I can't help but wonder what he did besides being rich to get their attention. He is pretty cute though


00G. Love it! Works on so many levels. Plus awesome poncho.