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Hello Hello everyone. Remember that game I'm trying to make, well I'm still doing it. Sorry it taking a while to get off the ground. But here's an update story wise. 

There will be (at least) 5 major Civilizations in the world. 

Botrus: the Largest and most united nation. A mix of humans, elves, and Dwarfs ruled by a council of 3. One each for each race. 

Apresh: The Mountain side nation, good with tech and know a lot of ways to get the shinny stuff. used to be ruled by Dwarfs, but now the Rock Gnomes got a hold of it. Also pretty cool with some Beast folks (Cat and Bird)

Ugrait: The wastelands ruled by barbarians. It's constantly under civil war with each tribe constantly fighting for control, but civil enough to not out right kill everything in sight. Has the most racially diverse, but is mostly Orcs, Gnolls, and Trolls running the place.

Greocia: The most magical and well fortified nation; on account of it being a literal flying mountain. The only other nation that can normally get to it is Apresh, but that's only when the mountain is within range once a week as it flies by. Ruled by a Draconic King, most of the residents are magically versed. Either to maintain their roll in society or sustain their resources. 

Scatrax: The Swamp lands, one of the most dangerous lands to approach and not so much a nation as it is a free for all as the magic of the forbidden forest has warped it the most. Several monsters inhabit it. However, the Kobolds, rat folk, and Lizard tribes have some form of civilization. 

This does not limit the number of phantasy folk you get to fuck in this game, but they are key races that you will need to win over. Each one of them as a Representative (or REP) who can help grow your own Goblin Nation... or to get hooked on Goblin Cock... or both. 

And the best part about this is that you guys are gonna help pick what they're gonna look like. For right now, we're gonna be picking the "general shape" and feel we want from each one. As we add more polish, the higher tiers will get more choices, but right now I need to know what everyone feels about it. 



Reed A. Saur

Ahhhhh...!!! I love these so much!!!


Man, that's a lot of content! Looking really cool, and I look forward to seeing what unique forms and feels can be crafted through the community!