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Do I look like a rat? Seriously, out of all the shit you've told me to do, this is the most insulting. I know I don't look my best, but that was just uncalled for. ALSO I'm NOT getting naked down here. End of discussion. 

Alright, probably for the best. A good rule of thumb when meeting anyone in the sewer is to avoid them unless expected. No point in risking it so time to sneak my way out of this. The maze has a few walls I can pass through to make my way inside. 

As I ran across, I made sure to soften my steps to not let them echo. Jumping across the waterway made a bit of a sound, but they probably thought it was a rat or something.... Shut-up...

Anyway the route isn't that long from here; all I got to do is squeeze through one of the pipes and I got a clear shot to-



When in stealth, your awareness to others is only known to those who either have a passive higher than the roll or actively roll higher than your stealth. A natural 20 is a critical success and means a auto success regardless of modifiers and bonus. 

Even if Golborne had rolled higher than a 20, the Kobold would have spotted him with this roll.

Sneak Attack is a unique Rouge ability, when you attack a target that not aware of you, you do more damage.)

Shit, I thought they didn't hear me. Time to run. Lucky for me I still have my Battle Dancer boots. I can run circles around them, but I need to make sure they don't follow me. 

I quickly run for the maze, I can't take the shortest route to the guild incase this is a guard so I go to another route that's a bit more complex. One with a few ups and downs, and with my added speed I can make multiple tracks to confuse them. 

yeah I don't think they're in a talking mood right now. Call it a huntch, but the dagger they tossed at me wasn't done with love. They're either a thief trying to pick off an easy target or a guard trying to capture anyone who's running through the sewer. Neither is good for me, so running my main option right now. 

Alright, I can still hear them chasing me, I've set up my gamble, now to hide.

… looks like the coast is clear...

Hiding in these small pipes is always a pain, good thing they were looking at the tracks and not the pipes. But most people make the mistake. Though I was pretty nervous about this pipe, it's pretty short, I'm pretty much hanging half out on the other side, but this side is isolated from this tunnel about from this pipe. So I don't have to worry about them seeing my ass hanging out. But whatever, lets move and-

What? No...No NO NO, this is not happening! I'm Stuck! I think my clothes are snagged or something. SHIT FUCK, THIS IS NOT THE PLACE FOR THIS TO HAPPEN.





Reed A. Saur

My anxious ass really appreciates how conscientious Golborne is about not leading anyone back to the Guild. It drives me absolutely feral when a protagonist forgets something very important that the author foreshadowed and then everything goes wrong cause they forgot the ONE thing they were supposed to remember.