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What the fuck, like for real. I'm a thief not a creep. I've barely known the guy and as far as I can see he can also split me in two with his bare hands. They guy's over twice my level stat wise, and pissing him off by being creepy is not on my list of shit to do. One reason why I let him stay here was cause I was scared shitless when I saw how strong he was. 

Alright, alright I'll clean my dame room. Not like I can really toss out much without making a bunch of noise considering most of these boxes have mettle spoons rattling around. But yeah, I have a bunch of odd take out boxes and general paper trash laying around. Time to dump this crap into someone else's trash bin. You know, like a criminal… you guys are making me do this by cleaning my place, this crime is on you... Yeah... Alright enough fucking around, what AM I doing tonight? Cause I'm not cleaning up this dump any more than this. I don't get payed enough to remodel the place. 

Well I'm kinda regretting taking a bath early today cause it looks like I'm gonna need another later tonight. The Guild is in the sewer system; lucky for me I have a manhole that leads to one of the cross roads. Problem is I need to be careful. I've been hearing that the guards have been sending scouts to try and follow us to find the base. It's well hidden, but anyone could just walk right in if they knew the way. I need to avolated which route to take.  

I could take the main path. It's pretty straight forward, but I run a risk of running into guards. Or other thieves, which lets face it just cause I'm a member doesn't mean they won't give me trouble. I'll be out in the open so the only option I'll have is to run or retreat. 

I could take one of the side pipes. The sewer system was made by a group of over zealous Kobolds way back when the city was being made. They made way too many branching paths and ended up making a maze down there. I know how to navigate them, but there's always a chance I could get stuck or attacked by monsters down there. And trust me none of those options are fun. Oozes are a thing here people. 

Lastly, I could go for another manhole. It'll take some time but I could take another route that leads me to the guild a lot faster and less smelly. Problem is, it's out in the open and I risk up rooting the entire base like that. It's only meant for emergencies and only if I don't get caught. 

So, which way do I go?




Reed A. Saur

I don't think he is going to hurt you, Golborne. I know that's difficult to believe, but give it time.