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Level 1 Evocation Spell

 COMPONENTS : Somatic 

Casting Time: 1 Action

Duration: 1 Minute 

Range: 35ft ( 5x5ft)

Save: Dex

Damage: 1d6 Piecing  2d6 Cold 

You channel the elements and instantly create an Ice stalagmite from the ground. A creature standing on the area must roll a Dex Saving throw, on a fail they take 1d6 piecing and 2d6 Cold damage. The part that is hit is frozen over and the target is considered restrained. On a pass, they take no damage. 

On the target's turn, they can roll a strength saving throw to brake free vs your spell DC. This spell cannot attack flying creatures above 10ft. 

Casted at higher lever:

For ever level higher than one this spell is casted at, increases the number of targets the spell can hit. 

Casting Class:

Druid, Warlocks, Wizards



Ice spikes for everyone! >D