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Name: Alastor

Age:   56

Race:   Imp

Blood   Ty: O

Size:   Small (3’10”)

Alignment:   Chaotic Neutral 


Alastor was born into a small villager   family. While his whole family relied on their wings to get around, he was   forced to walk on the ground. He hated that he was without any, but his   mother had told him that he was special. That he had a gift like no other. 

He   found that gift when he lifted a Greataxe with a single hand. When he   defended his home from attacks, he was a force of nature and found his way to   glory when he took down a Roc and claimed its Soul.   


Character Building Blocks

Race: Imp (Homebrew) 

Ability Score Increase: Your Dex and Char score increases by 2.

Size: Imps are known for their size, but only by their height. Your size is small with a tail length to make your total length of a medium size.

Speed: Your base walking speed is 20 feet. 

Fiendish Resistance. You are resistant to fire or poison damage. (Pick one)

Imp's Bane. You take double damage from weapons that are silvered.

Fiendish Tongue. You have proficiency in the Deception skill.

Languages: You can speak, read, and write Common and Infernal/Abyssal.

Born From Veir: Every Imp has the potential to be born with the mysterious magic known to some as Veir magic. On creation, roll a 1d4 to see if you’re born with Vier magic or with wings (1-3=wings …4=Veir) If given their Veir, roll a d100 to see what ability you are granted. The Ability you are born with is will provide you with the amount of VOID require to use it.

Result: 57 Heavy Lifting L

Heavy Lifting

Small -1 VOID ) If a small-sized creature, Heavy weapons no longer hinder you and impose disadvantage. 

Medium -3 VOID) Two-handed weapons are now versatile (damage goes down one dice size)

Large -5 VOID) Heavy weapons now have the light trait


Barbarian: Path of the Totem Warrior (Player’s Handbook)

Starting Skill Proficiencies: Athletics, Intimidation


Focus STR and then Con or Dex. 

Alastor is a very unique fighter in a sense that he is a small front liner who can use heavy weapons in both hands due to his ability Heavy Lifting. He’s damage output is insane once he starts hitting multiple times with a two-handed heavy weapon as an off-hand attack, in his hands, they are considered Light weapons and can be used as bonus actions as soon as Lv1. His entire build is based on this one concept that allows him to actually be a STR Berserker in the first place

While it would have made more since to make him a berserker, I put Alastor on the Totem path so that he may gain one particular ability. It really goes into character flavor. Tl;Dr he’s so bitter that he can’t fly he literally gets so angry that he shoots himself 30 ft into the air out of spite. 

Example stats:

Str/ 18 Dex/16(+2) Con/14 Int/10 Wis/10 Char/12(+2)


Folk Hero (Player’s hand book)

Proficiencies: Animal Handling, Survival

Tool Proficiencies: Leatherwork’s tools, Land Vehicles

Equipment: A set of artisan’s tools (one of your choice), a shovel, an iron pot, a set of common clothes, and a belt pouch containing 10 gp

Feat: Rustic Hospitality

Since he came from the ranks of the common folk, Alastor fits in among them with ease. Alastor can find a place to hide, rest, or recuperate among other commoners, unless he has shown to be a danger to them. They will shield him from the law or anyone else searching for him, though they will not risk their lives for him.


Alastor is not really one for planning ahead, so long as he has a Greataxe or two with him he’s fine. Grab an Explorer’s Pack and you should be fine. 

Recommended Spells:

Alastor has no magic, but he gets Beast Sense, Commune with Nature, and Speak with Animals as Rituals. 

Level Guild:

Alastor is a retired adventure and he’s had a lot of experience. I made him to get to the point where he could fly on his own so he is at minimum a lv 14 totem barbarian. If you wish to use Alastor in a game and can’t get to that level, use this chart to map out how I made him. 


Rage- Main tank ability

Unarmored Defense – Focus Con if you can, you already got +2Dex for free


Reckless Attack – Make sure healer is on standby

Danger sense – Alastor is not smart, but he’s got sharp instincts to not die


Primal Path: Totem Warrior 

Spirit Seeker

You gain the ability to cast the Beast Sense and Speak with Animals spells, but only as rituals. Kinda sucks, but useful in the wilds if you know how to put them to use. 

Totem Spirit lv3

Go Eagle. Alastor only has 20ft of movement. Use the dash action as a bonus action will get you to the fight and you might as well get that unarmored defense some use. 


Ability Score Improvement/Feat

Pick one of these, depending on how you feel the story is going. 

· Ability score (Max out Str)

You’re a barbarian, if it’s not at least 18 you’re doing it wrong

· Feat – Fell Handed (UA)

Its Unearthed Arcana feat so check with DM first. It basically to fit Alastor’s favorite weapons. 

+1 to attack rolls with axes and hammers

Advantage attacks that hit make people prone (only if both rolls make it)

Disadvantage attacks give Str damage if the higher roll would have hit.

Use the help action! You knock Shields aside for +2 to ally attack

· Feat – Dual Wielder (PHB)

A bit redundant, but Alastor can now pull out both axes at the start and now get +1AC


Extra attack – Three attacks now with offhanded swings

Fast Movement – 30ft speed Baby!


Totem Spirit: Aspect of the Beast

Surprise! Go Eagle again. None of the other abilities are good here, but getting to see better in dim light without dark vision is pretty great if you have one of those DM’s. Also you basically have super sight. You can see things like a mile away perfectly fine, and super detailed 100 ft away. 


Feral Instinct – You get better at starting the fight and surprise rounds are no longer an issue really. 


Ability Score Improvement/Feat – See Lv4 and pick one


Brutal Critical- Crits hit even harder with one more die to the roll


Spirit Walker: The ability everyone forgets.

You can cast the Commune with Nature spell, but only as a ritual. When you do so, a spiritual version of one of the animals you chose for Totem Spirit or Aspect of the Beast appears to you to convey the information you seek. IE: The Roc that Alastor killed. 


Relentless Rage – Con save to keep ripping and taring when you hit 0


Ability Score Improvement/Feat – See Lv4 and pick one


Brutal Critical – If you crit it will DIE +2 die


Totemic Attunement

Here we go! Go Eagle and finally be able to Fly up to 30ft or 60ft if you got a friend who knows spells that double your movement



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