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Name: Hunter’s Shiv

Rare   (one of a kind) 

Worth:   500 GP

 This   spoon was forged by master craftsmen who specialized in enchanted   spoons. This spoon is one of a kind in a set that has been scattered across the lands by treasure hunters and  collectors. 

Requires   attunement

This   spoon is depicted with a skull and bone pointing down to the dip of the   spoon. In the middle of the dip, there seems to be a reticle symbol. This   spoon was meant to act as more of a weapon than tool, particularly for   hunters. This spoon can be used as a dart or dagger (1d4 piercing) should the   shiv land a hit it will remain in the target and cast Hunter’s Mark on the   target without expending a spell slot. Should the shiv be removed from the   target or the owner recast Hunter’s Mark the spoon will be disabled till it   lands the next attack. While the spoon is active, you cannot use your bonus   action to move Hunter’s Mark to a new target. 

To   remove the shiv, the target must use their action to roll a medical check (DC   = 8 + Dex + Prof. if proficient in daggers) 



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