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Well one story deserves another I guess. I started talking about my own sexual adventures and went with what was probably one of my most well known jobs...

I was hired to basically be fucked in public in the square one night by anyone who was up for it while my client watched from afar. 

"Holy shit that was you? I heard about that from a drinking buddy of mine. Wish I was around for it. Hey think you'd be up for a repeat performance?"

I gave him a firm, "No."

"Aw com'on. From what I heard, you did an encore performance not long after and were begging for more at the end of it."  

"Yeah well with enough money I'd do a lot of things. So unless you got enough platinum for it, the answer is no."

"Oh so you're a man of the night after all, huh? I'll keep ya in mind when I need a quicky. Though I'm guessing your prices are performance based, huh?"

And there's the immediate regret to telling the story. Seriously, why am I listening to you guys? 

"Alright, I'm just pulling your dick kid. Don't get fussy. How'd you leave the square anyhow?"

Well after the all-nighter I had with the group in the square I was beyond dirty and needed a bath. I was exhausted and just wanted to get the jizz off before it dried completely. Long story short, I made my way here and dunked myself before leaving. Now the owner wants to kill me for not washing first.

"Fucking Hell." Alastor wasn't very subtle about the story and was busting a gut. "Think there's still some left over in the water? Did ya remember this time?"

No that was weeks ago, he would have cleaned it by now and YES I did. Though not paying the inflated price is another issue, but I wasn't going to say that part out loud.   

Well shit.


Vote ends on 08/11/19




I like this imp! He's cheeky, but I love the older guy vibes from him. Oh shit, the owner!

Will Hanema

I'm a liiiiiiiiiiiiiittle bit disappointed that the look closer at Alastor's piercing option didn't get more votes, but oh well. I'll probably just commission something close to it someday instead~ ...Not that I'm all that big a fan of piercings, but dat ass, man XD