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Truth be told, Japan was my goal, that's where  I  wanted  to end up working  and living but I ended up in China on the  way there and never left, in fact I found in China something that I was hoping to find in Japan, but actually even more! I was hoping to have an exotic adventure in Japan and discover new and interesting things whilst travelling the path less traveled all the while experiencing an Ancient and refined culture which was fascinating to me in my youth (Samurai, Sakura, Ninjas, Geisha and all that nonsense), truth be told you grow up a little and start seeing the world in a more realistic light, here's  what (very bluntly) China has given me so far:

Exotic Adventure! Yes, without a doubt! Being thrown head first into a country where no one understands your language, where the food and customs are completely different (good and bad) and well to be honest, social etiquette largely absent.  

Travelling the path less traveled!  Absolutely, I'm no Marco Polo (there are foreigners that arrive here and on purpose try and avoid other foreigners so that they can pretend like they're some sort of  magical  brave adventurer), we  call those  folk "Marco Polo ex-pats", however I have actually done things that no other foreigner has ever done in China, I am the first YouTube vlogger ever out of China (which is still a strange thing to come to grasp with), I've done motorcycle adventures through small rural areas that I can guarantee no other foreigners  have  done and recorded for the first time a self funded documentary about my adventures on my own hand built motorcycles interacting with the locals  (there  have  been other documentaries to be sure,  but this one is very unique and is a first).  I'm not going to try and go on since well that's about it and I'm not one to try and inflate my own ego, that's not what this is all about. Frankly, Japan would not have offered me these opportunities as it has been open to and explored by the Western world for a very very long time.

Ancient and refined culture?  Not at all,  China has only given me insight into what  happens when an ancient and refined culture  is taken away and all that's left are ingrained tradition and superstition.  China is a very new country built  on top of the smoldering remnants of an ancient culture, it is what it is and I can only say that it's an interesting place to live to say the least. China keeps rediscovering itself every year, struggling with its own identity, shortcomings, ego, wants and self image. Very much like a teenager who has  something to prove to its parents and peers, making China a very unstable  place to live (but full of  adventure and constant change).

I have been looking forward  to visiting Japan since I was a teenager, I finally get to realise that dream  and make the most of it, I'm looking forward especially to the culture and social etiquette which have been absent from  my life over the past 10 years, I can't wait to make  videos about my experience and share them with all of you, my subscribers.

-  Stay Awesome





I used to be into anime big time when I was younger and always wanted to visit Japan.


Winston...are you able to tell us when you'll be going as well as where in Japan? I have to say that I'm jealous though. Like you, I've always had a fascination with Japan since I was a young teenager. I've been fortunate in my life to have visited many many countries around the world but I distinctly remember the excitement level I had on that very first trip to Japan. Utterly amazing! I really look forward to hearing about your impressions and experiences there. I know you'll find it to be 'awesome'.