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Firstly, you may have noticed that my Patreon pledge amount is off the charts! An incredibly generous subscriber made a massive once off pledge as a wedding/honeymoon gift for Sasha and I (we're  getting married very soon! I'll update you all on the channel closer to the time), you know who you are, and you have my sincere gratitude, but of course all of you who can read this message have my sincere and humble gratitude too for the support you're giving me which allows me to continue to make these videos.... OKAY, so what's this new series about???

Recently (I'm not going to beat around the bush) things have  become a little more tense over here in China, due to the slowing of the economy (it's still growing, but not ridiculously fast as it has been for ages now), there are a few things that are making the expat community a little on edge, VPNs are being locked down harder  (usually they're ignored to a large extent), and the government is looking to do whatever  it can to ensure  that the economy continues to grow, and that means making it harder for foreign businesses in order to give local business the upper hand, long story short there's a lot of negativity going around the expat circles here. That isn't to say that China isn't still brimming with opportunity and adventure, you just have to ensure  that all your Ps and Qs are minded and you'll be sailing!

So, in order to gain perspective and to give all of you, my subscribers some perspective on what's happening over here and how people feel about working and living in China, I've decided to interview as many expats from as many diverse backgrounds and nationalities as I can, I'll be asking them all 3 things that they love about living in China  and frankly 3 things that they hate (or dislike) about living here. This series will hopefully allow people who are planning to do business, come live, work or even try to retire  here to get a good idea of what to expect from the real experiences of expats that live and work here. 

I hope you all enjoy the new series as the first episode  is currently uploading as we speak, it's called "China, LOVE HATE" see you all in the next video!

- Stay Awesome!   




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