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I really enjoy taking street photos as a bit of a hobby on the side, but here in China it can be very frustrating, today while I was out filming some B-roll for my next intro (you know how I have random street scenes etc at the beginning of my videos), I noticed that the sky looked quite pretty, so I took out my DSLR and pointed it at the sky and took a photo, as I was about to take another photo of the sky, a security guard dressed in military gear walked up to me saying that I wasn't allowed to take photos here.... however right next to me were several  local Chinese people taking photos of their kids playing around a waterfall, I asked him if it was his sky and why I wasn't allowed to take a photo of the sky, he just repeated that I can't take photos there, so I asked him if I could use my phone to take a photo and he said yes, you can use your phone but not your camera.... absolutely ridiculous logic but hey... This Is China :) 

I will be in Huizhou tomorrow making another adventure talk show with C-milk, but I'll have a new video on my channel by Wednesday for sure! 

- Stay Awesome





Yes, absolutely right. China it is !


I love the Friday Fives, good quality photos too! Keep'em coming. I always play "Caption this" to myself when I see'em, so that's always fun too. Like this girl ... to me .. is saying " Yeah, the bus is late, again, the arthritis in my left hand is killing me and NOW I have this laowai taking a picture of me. So glad it's Friday .... I need a drink!" (She's wicked cute though!)