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Hey there! This was to be Friday's video but as usual YouTube has deemed that it is unsuitable for advertisers and therefore cannot be monetized (don't worry its not too brutal), I am busy editing a censored version in the hopes that it passes the strict guidelines, I however would like you to be able to see it as intended and on time: 


Thank you all for your support, this has been a lean month since everything ground to a halt with the surgery, but because of you and your support I was able to weather the storm and come out strong on the other side.

All my regards,

- Stay Awesome



Uncensored - China never takes responsibility



SerpentZA - I just joined your Patreon. Thank you for doing what you are doing. It is so important that the world understands the evil of the CCP, and the beauty of the Chinese people.


Thanks mate, I appreciate the support and I'll keep making videos as long as you keep watching them


Thank you, SerpentZA, for your work. I like your balanced reporting of facts supported by your self confessed bias. It is a refreshing change to the politically motivated news reports of the media and allows me to assemble my own opinion based on your honesty reporting. Your wide and diverse experiences of China lends legitimacy to your work that is rarely seen today. I am glad that the patron system allows me to support you in some small way so that you can continue. I am sure that at some point you will come under considerable pressure to 'tone it down' a bit from those that do not like what you say, but I wish you well and promise of my support from the uk.