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An Indian subscriber came to meet me in Shenzhen about two weeks ago, he was a fantastic fellow and brought me a German beer and some chocolates from Germany (before you wonder why, he has been studying in Germany for quite some time). He  knew that I had visited India and asked me if I could do a comparison video for him, he was very interested in what I thought of India in comparison to China as he had found that my videos of China were "spot on" and he had been able to show his Chinese girlfriend places in her own city that she didn't know about because of my videos (I found this rather cute, as she is a  local Shenzhen citizen). Finally I had a good reason to use my footage from India... I really had wanted to make an Indian adventure series, but my understanding of shooting footage back in  Feb of 2015 when I visited was garbage, I wasn't familiar with my DSLR and most of the footage that I took was horrible (shaky, badly framed, too short etc). So I had been putting it off for a long time thinking of perhaps just  making a music video montage or some such. Now that I had a good idea on what to do, I started digging through all the footage and managed to piece together the episode in about a week (there were a whole bunch of challenges due to the crazy weather here and lack of good footage from India). As we speak, the video has gone semi-viral and has almost 130k views in a week, by far my fastest performing video ever! I'm incredibly happy about this and it has spurred me on to try and up my game further! Thank you all for always supporting me and I've got some big news about some fantastic new videos I'm about to make! Stay tuned and as always...

Stay Awesome!



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