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This is awesome! A while ago I was contacted by a reporter from the Shenzhen Evening news (a Chinese newspaper) who had seen some of my videos and was interested in the whole YouTube thing that I do. She interviewed me in a coffee shop and asked all sorts of questions (all in Chinese since she couldn't speak a lick of English). That was about a month ago, I hadn't heard a peep out of her and so just forgot about it, that is until I had my subscriber meetup the other day (you can watch the water and wine vid on my channel to see how that went), the very same reporter turned up at the event and was so excited to see the turnout and had a lot of fun interviewing all the Chinese subscribers who had turned up for the event. Once again after the event she disappeared without a word.. that was more than a week ago. All of a sudden yesterday I started getting messages from my friends in Shenzhen saying that I was in the paper, and not just a small little article, but a 3 page spread! Even better it was printed in more than one newspaper and even made it into that free newspaper that's handed out in the morning on the Shenzhen Subway! The article is all in Chinese, but I had a read and it's all positive and very flattering. It's really amazing and all I can do is think of how I can keep improving and keep giving back to the community that has helped me reach this point. 

Thank you, let's make this bigger and better!

Stay Awesome! 

- SerpentZA




Congrats! Consistency is key and you have it.


Yo thanks for helping me figure things out. You alright. I been watching since '13. I been with my Yōuyǎ de nǚrén for 3 years now. Considering I'm a Yěrén that ain't too bad. I understand much more now and you have helped much with your video commentaries. I studied Mandarin and have begun to understand even more. I'll spare any details but let you know I ain't worried about my woman going through cell phone, (no more), and our relationship is much more profound then our families may think. Have a 6-pack on me and cover your wonderful fiance because support is so important- Yo dont forget C-Milk LOL!


Hey there mate, super happy that you found the vids useful, and seriously appreciate the support. Stay awesome!