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This has been quite the week, almost immediately after releasing my video about public security, I fell seriously ill with some sort of flu, it completely knocked me for a six (hit me hard and took me by surprise), to compound it all, YouTube decided in all its wisdom to flag my video as age-restricted which means it won't be shared or suggested and is also impossible to monetise (this doesn't bother me much as I'll explain), basically the footage of the mistress and wife fighting seems to have been too violent so fair play, I'll accept that, but I won't change it because it is the only way that I can properly demonstrate what I am talking about. This is something that I've seen first hand and actually gotten mixed up in trying to stop in the past. 

Thanks YouTube! Glad to know that my video didn't break any rules...

As to why I don't mind about my video getting demonetised? Well simply because of you! Occasionally a video of mine will get demonetised for one reason or the other but I have the luxury of having such generous and brilliant people such as yourselves helping me out that I can take the occasional hit and still keep on keeping on! I will always cherish what you guys and gals afford me to do and for helping me support not only the channel, but my wife too (enough of that sentimental nonsense, on to brighter things).

I'm a bit of an odd duck and prefer to fight through my illnesses even though I have a wonderful doctor of wife, I quite honestly don't trust doctors much ever since my brother died of a botched operation when he was 7 years old (I was 13 at the time), it's unreasonable yes but I still prefer to stay away from hospitals as much as possible as a result. I did however after some well intentioned nagging from Sasha go for some TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) which some of your may find either intriguing or ridiculous depending on your leanings, but I thought I'd give it a go as I was seriously suffering! The doctor did the whole cupping thing and also stuck some bloody long needles into my arms and hands (acupuncture is not comfortable) and either by luck or because it works, the next day I actually started to feel better!  finally almost 100% again and ready to get out some fresh content for you! 

As an aside, I've been taking 10min clips of random street scenes, I've been wondering if you guys would be interested if I maybe cut out a 5 min segment and shared it with you from time to time (different scenes from different parts of the city) if you'd be interested in it or find it too boring to watch, I may just try share one clip with you guys and see what we all feel about it.

Thanks for sticking with me through thick and thin guys, I can't wait to see you in the next video!

- Stay Awesome





Had to Google it - knock sb sideways/for six. UK informal. to shock or upset someone very much, or to make someone very ill: That flu really knocked me sideways. The news of his death knocked me for six. Hope you are feeling better - BREATHE STEAM! (Seriously)


Any TRAUMA inflicted causes our body to respond by releasing Endorphins (body's natural opiates) and other anti-inflammatory agents. So, ailments like common cold, various skin rashes, joint pains may "miraculously" improve as a consequence.