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So this is something I was going to make a video about but in the end decided not to as I managed to resolve the issue but seriously wanted to get this bizarre story out there for you guys.

A few months ago I started to get an upshot of hate comments on my videos, as well as personal threats on every form of social media, be it wechat, instagram, facebook... you name it there was a significant increase of "Screw you white pig, get out of China", very generic sort of hate messages which don't bother me at all but I was curious as to why all of a sudden there was such a huge torrent of hate, in a lot of the attacks, a "Dutch uncle" was mentioned (In order not to stoop to his level I'm not going to include his name here). 

A little research later and I found the source, China has a knockoff version of YouTube called "BiliBili" which is wildly popular in China, many of my videos have been stolen from my YouTube channel and uploaded there, some receiving millions of views which is annoying but I don't mind too much. 

So this guy, a middle aged Dutch national (it turns out he is a convicted criminal who spent 2 and a half years in a Hong Kong jail) living in Beijing started a channel on BiliBili making rather mundane videos of living in China but his videos were simply not doing well, he started to look for inspiration amongst other vloggers in Asia and stumbled across my biggest fan and hater, the Vietnamese catfish Mr. Troy Nguyen, for those of you unaware, Mr. Nguyen is a member of a very right wing Asian pride group called "Asian Identity" and about 2 years back dedicated his entire channel to attacking me as he has attacked other foreign expats in Asia with videos such as "All white ex-pats are losers" etc etc, I completely ignored his videos of which there were about 4 or 5 concurrently, I'm guessing he gave up after not receiving a response from me and I let it slide as I know it must be frustrating being an Asian supremacist and seeing a foreigner like me doing well in Asia and marrying a Chinese woman. 

As part of his slander campaign, Mr. Nguyen made a series of disgusting thumbnails using my face, adding all sorts of racist and awful wording and imagery, like I said, I let it slide and let it slip into the past.

The "Dutch Uncle" however took a liking to Mr. Nguyen's videos and even started to mention him and emulate the ideas and video style and topics covered by Mr. Nguyen (who probably would be okay if he wasn't such a racist bellend), he then realised that the videos with the most views were the ones made attacking me and so decided to emulate the hate attacks but did so in a most disgusting manner, he printed out the racist and hateful thumbnails that Mr. Nguyen had made and made a video sitting in his car in which he said that I had made said thumbnails:

He then went on to spout the biggest amount of hateful nonsense about how I was cheating Chinese people by telling lies, defaming China and saying "Fuck China" and that "Chinese people have simple minds" etc etc all based off of his "proof" which of course were the fake thumbnails which he full well knew were not made by me, but were made by his idol and hater in arms, Mr. Nguyen.

Here comes the interesting part, he throughout the video kept flashing QR codes to his Alipay, Wechat pay and Paypal and also the BiliBili built in donation system, asking for donations and support so that he could do more "truthful" videos debunking me and exposing me and how I was taking advantage of Chinese people, he even didn't spare my wife, making crappy comments about her too. 

Of course the uneducated Ultra nationalist netizens who have absolutely no understanding of English and are incredibly sensitive, insecure and tend to have overly exaggerated knee-jerk reactions, lapped up his garbage as if it were gospel and proceeded to discuss in the comments section of his video on how they could go about deporting me or ruining my life for being so bad towards China. I was upset that his blatant lies were resulting in all this unwarranted hate.

Above is a google translation of one of the nicer more milder "let's get him deported" sort of comments that were littering the video.

His video got many more views than any other he had done up until that point and so he then proceeded to make more, he made a further 2 part series of complete slander and hateful untruths against me which again received him the same large response and stoked the fires of hatred amongst the less intelligent.

It was at this time that I was privately contacted by a group of Thailand ex-pats who warned me about him, seems his wonderful personality had earned him more than a few enemies amongst the Thailand ex-pat community, they sent me a link to his public court record which is very clear and verbose and exposes him as a conman and a thief who stole money from his former business and from banks using a Hong Kong shell company to launder money that he had cheated and stolen from customers and banks, he laundered hundreds of thousands of euros and was apprehended attempting to leave Hong Kong with 100,000 euros of his ill-gotten gains on his person, the entire court proceedings etc are very well detailed in English for all to see.

Why the Thai ex-pat community? Well his wife had divorced him as a result of his arrest and incarceration, kids were involved too but I'm not here to dig into his personal affairs other than the fact that after release from prison, he moved to Thailand to become and English and art teacher and married a Thai national who now lives with him in Beijing presumably after he made enough enemies in Thailand for it to no longer be a good place for him to live.

Lots of things were starting to make sense now, he has / had several bogus "charity donation" videos asking Chinese people to send him money so that he could help poor people to which I presume a lot of gullible people donated, he is a con man convicted of stealing money and money laundering after all, it explains why he would stoop so low as to personally attack me in such an underhanded manner in order to garner support and funds from his gullible ultra-nationalist following as he keeps complaining in his videos that being an English teacher is hard work and he needs more money. 

He then mirrored his slander videos on YouTube as his original channel had been taken down due to community guideline strikes, he created a new channel. I contacted him by leaving the following message:

To which he replied:

To his credit he took the videos down within 24 hours, however his original video had been up for months with around 400,000 views, a lot of damage had been done.

So, I've spent the past week agonising over something which I finally decided against. I had already scripted a video which I would have made entirely in Chinese to upload to the Chinese internet to warn people about him, he is a convicted criminal teaching kids in Beijing, it's something I feel very uncomfortable about especially since the Thailand ex-pats levelled some rather shocking accusations toward him. 

I have decided not to proceed for the following reasons:

He went directly after me, my livelihood and my family, he would have been very satisfied to see my life destroyed so as to get his cheap views and crooked money. I refuse to stoop to his level, if I were to go ahead with my warning it could very well result in him losing his employment and in fact it is illegal to get a visa and to teach in China if you have a criminal record so his visa must have been applied for fraudulently. My video would possibly have serious ramifications on his life and I'm simply not that much of an awful person as to proceed. I am however concerned about the fact that he is teaching children.

Since I wrote the script for the video, I may as well share it with you, my patreons so that you can see what never came to light, the following is in Chinese and English:

我的中国朋友。 我需要警告你一个在北京的外国人是犯罪分子。 他被判定从客户那里窃取钱财,并利用香港银行进行洗钱。 这段视频的描述与公众定罪和法庭记录有关。

我非常担心这位在香港监狱呆了两年半的罪犯现在在北京为你的中国孩子教英语。 他还在bilibili上要求您捐款。 他称自己为“荷兰老司机Rein”,他是荷兰人,他的妻子是泰国女士。 不要把钱给这个罪犯。 不要让他教你的孩子,他是一个危险的人。

My Chinese friends. I need to warn you about a foreigner in Beijing who is a criminal. He was convicted of stealing money from his clients and using Hong Kong banks for money laundering. There is a link to his public conviction and court record in the description of this video.

I am very concerned that this convicted conman who spent 2 and a half years in a Hong Kong prison is now in Beijing teaching English to your Chinese children. he is also asking for your money donations on bilibili. He calls himself "NAME REDACTED" He is a Dutch national and his wife is a Thai lady. Do not give your money to this criminal. Do not let him teach your children, he is a dangerous man.

Thank you all for listening to this truly ridiculous drama that has been unfolding in the background of my life recently on top of all the concern for South Africa and the many other things I'm working on for you all.

Love you all!

- Stay Awesome





You should put that statement out - it's always right to 'set the record straight'


file an anonymous report on that douche with the police in Beijing. Give the court records. Let the rest sort itself out.