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So this is a massively early release! We're in the midst of releasing our Quest for the Best Chinese in the USA video series and there are still 6 more episodes to go before we get back to our regular ADVChina schedule, however you guys of course get to see some of our upcoming stuff way before it goes public, and this is another on the bikes in which we cover a rather interesting topic!

The comments have been disabled on the video (just because it would be strange when we release the video for people to see comments that are almost 2 months old), but please leave a comment here to let me know what you think about the episode and of course any questions you may have regarding the topic.


As always thank you for your support as it means more than you know!

- Stay Awesome



Why do Foreigners date UGLY Chinese WOMEN?

Chinese men always say that foreigners have terrible taste in women and only date the ugliest Chinese girls! Is there any truth to this? Come ride with us and find out!



I guess you never learned that beauty is in the eye of the beholder. I am sure your old girl friends really appreciated hearing that you that you've been in China a while you realize they are all ugly.


Funny cos I've never seen sooooo many women with TERRIBLE acne as I have in china.. literally everyone has terrible skin. And I'm far more shocked by beautiful Chinese women's poor taste in foreign men.... ugly men that no girl with half an eyeball would touch with a barge pole back home, are with the most stunning Chinese women.. guess it's that big nose and double eyelid 🙄🙄🙄


I know right? Frustrating to be sure, want to help me make a video about it?


YES brother! How can I help you? I actually typed this comment out only 1/4 of the way through your video, and then you guys addressed it yourself.. the title was a bit misleading in that way I thought it was just gonna be about foreign guys choosing ugly Chinese girls.. Maybe consider tweaking it for the YT release? You know though, it's not just the fact that they're ugly that gets me, it's the fact that a lot of the time, at least in my shitty city where nobody wants to come and mainly those with degrees in basket weave from the not-a-University of Huddersfield come to work because they couldn't get in anywhere else in China, the guys are ASSHOLES. I actually had to LEAVE the Brits in Wuhan group because of the abuse that I kept receiving from the guys in that group. Despite it being useful to pick people's brains about China things when help was needed, the level of the conversation in that group was just so low that I couldn't bear to be a part of it anymore or to see those vulgar and hateful messages pop up on my WeChat, so now I'm going it alone. And most of those guys have BEAUTIFUL girlfriends. I have more Chinese friends than expats (many more in fact, lol) and I know for a fact that Chinese girls are sweet and kind and attentive and loving, so I just don't get WTF they are doing with these ugly, horrible, unkind men! I would love to know what they see in them!! Anyway tell me how I can help you my friend!! You and Matt have made my time in China so much more enjoyable and less boring lol, and taught me sooooo much.. I'd love to help you :) <3