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Okay, so there's been a huge cloud hanging over my head for the past month or so, Sasha has needed to get some pretty big surgery for a long time and finally we had to get it done.

Since the beginning of our relationship I've been aware that Sasha has had some small benign growths on her ovaries, nothing to worry about and frighteningly common in China.

There is a huge health issue in China which doesn't seem to be talked about much, it has to do with reproductive health and there are big hospitals in every city that are dedicated to treating the many complications that crop up due to the increasingly toxic environment, food and stressful lifestyle in the big cities.

We have been trying to ignore it and carry on, but since she's a doctor she has to have mandatory body checks twice a year and each time they've noticed that the problem has been getting worse.

In all honesty it was when we decided that we wanted to have children that it really hit home, in its then current state if she were to fall pregnant, there was a huge chance that complications arising from having this issue could even prove fatal, and so the decision was made to finally get this stuff out of her! 

I hate surgery! My 7 year old brother died of surgery when I was 13 and since then, even the thought of anyone I care about going under the knife really upsets me.

After days of her staying in the hospital getting all her tests, paying the obligatory red packet "bribe" to make sure that she got the best doctor (I hate this part of the culture here) and all that, she finally went into surgery yesterday. 

As her husband I had to sign all sorts of waivers and forms taking responsibility for if anything went wrong. Something I learned from this process is that her father who is now over 60 is actually not legally allowed to sign these papers because he's too old! Odd law, but I was going to sign them anyway.

She went under the knife at 1pm and during the procedure twice a nurse came out gleefully showing me the bits and pieces that they had removed, but there were torturous hours of waiting in between and the circus that ensued around me is a subject for a video all by itself!

Finally after over 5 hours, she was finally rolled out and I was able to accompany her to her "room" where she is now recovering, I've been by her side most of the time and I'm glad I have been as there have been all sorts of shenanigans going on here (again a subject for another video).

Sasha is still her awesome positive self, even only 30mins after coming out of surgery! (she sends her love to all of you by the way).

The reason dear Patreons as to why I didn't tell you all about this prior to it happening is for a few reasons.

You all support Sasha and I so much! I can't say enough how much peace of mind it has given me. With your help I have been able to focus on giving Sasha all of the attention and support she has needed during this difficult time.

I didn't want any of you to worry (I actually only even told my parents about the operation the night before).

These sorts of personal struggles we all go through from time to time are very difficult to deal with, but not in my case, because I have you lot!

A big, massive, thank you from Sasha and I to all of you! She's fine and recovering!

Don't worry the vids will keep coming, and I can't wait to see you all in the next one!

- Stay Awesome!



Yesterday was awful

for Patreons only



I'm very happy to see that we can make a difference in your life. So did you in ours by creating your awesome content!


I hope we will see SerpentHU baby in future :)