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I’ve been massively burned out from the latest animation as I’m sure some of you all can tell. So I’ve decided to change my direction. No worries, if you’re here for narrative femdom and noncon videos you’re still in right spot, those aren’t going anywhere…

Rather, I’m taking up a new project for these videos. After playing a certain sexual INSCRYPTION mod I’ve decided to take a stab at a card game of my own. Over the next few months, I’ll be making card-art and sex scenes for this game and sharing them as they come… It’ll probably mean shorter videos, but more often, and of the same quality you’ve already come to enjoy. The only difference? Obviously I’ll be needing to drop the popular media characters, even if I make similar versions of some~

Please stay patient with me this month as I work on solidifying the concept, and I’ll continue to share art and videos as I make them. As for what you can do? I’d love to hear your ideas. Though I won’t go too much into the details, the current thought is that this’ll all be taking place in a fantasy world with a variety of modern advancements… Demons, anthro creatures, and fantasy creatures all exist alike. You’ll be building up a deck and playing to win resources to expand your deck and encourage more powerful foes to battle you~ Do a good enough job and they may fuck you without taking your soul as a prize~ Feel free to send ideas or feedback… I hope at least some of you are excited.

TL:DR - Making a porn game - More femdom and noncon videos and cards to come soon as the world is made~


Volt Dragon

Sounds awesome as long as you keep the femdom theme that you always have 👍

william fuentes

I was surprised did not post anything for Halloween btw