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This comm took much longer than expected thanks to a month that did not go how I had hoped. But, I'm happy to get this out to you! Animal Crossing is up next~ Stay tuned for those teasers~

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🩵 The Story 🩵

21XX - Musutafu, Japan

Heroes and villains alike have been battling for centuries, but as of the last decade, thanks to the help of a number of new age heroes, villainy is at a level to which normal life, for the most part, goes unimpeded.

Though people are generally more aware of the usual villainous tropes, some fail to catch the warning signs. Such as someone being named, quite literally, an Ordinary Woman. Who currently wasn't putting up much of a fight as some villains felt her up in a back alley. Was it what she had planned? Not exactly. But she knew she'd be fine in the end...

What took her by surprise though, was the speed at which a hero responded to the scene, or rather, a hero in training at a new agency in town. He was eager to help, and did his best to fend off the villains, Ōryū, his quirk, allowing him to quickly and harmlessly immobilize everyone involved.

The girl saw an opportunity and quickly pretended to have a sprained leg, asking the kindhearted hero for help, she just needed to contact him for a few minutes and she'd have full control... Perhaps an offer of a 'reward'? She wasn't one to suck dick normally, but it'd be unbroken contact, and thats all she needed...

Shado, kind as ever, of course took her up on the offer and helped her get home, only to be asked a strange question... Did he want to be 'rewarded'? Well... There was no harm to that, right?



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