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Something I’ve identified in my journey is I want my art to have that same ‘official’ feeling as art you see on promotional material (game cover, label, poster etc). What makes something ‘official’ looking to you guys vs something you know is, say, fan art?



Hmm, I guess I’d need more detail on what it is exactly you’d want this for. Like to make your style more unique? Because that’s no need, your art is very identifiable as yours. Or are you having a project in mind?


No, this is more about polish, I suppose- working towards the highest quality. For example, if you were to see official ‘Sonic the Hedgehog’ art next to a fan art piece, or official Magic the Gathering Art vs someone else’s fantasy painting, you’d probably be able to tell which one is the official one- the question is, what is it about them that makes them identifiable in that way?


Just the level of quality and lighting, for say over saturation looks very fan made


Corporate Design For example, a matching font in unique sizes. Always the same colors. Correct spacing. Clear lines. In other words, recognition value. Which is achieved by showing that thought has been put into it. And if it is implemented consistently. There are some artists who have come up with logos. But they do not use them everywhere. That is a mistake, which devalues the material again.


Lighting is a big one. Proper implementation of perspective. Active poses. Visual clarity in terms of being able to parse the scene.

Kyle Gaymer, Beary Rookie

Think it depends on how much attention to detail the artist does and focuses on. I’ve gotten a few commissions of my OC where it almost looks like promotional artwork

The Horseman

Can't really add much from what was said prior. But yes, add to the overall detail and bold clear colors to the character / image. Making them 'pop' off the page.


Unique and stylized. Easier said than drawn, but I think an overwhelming amount of busyness in the illustration is meant to be eye-catching in the realm of advertising. Not necessarily a look I would emulate in 'fine art', which I do consider you in the pool of, but if that's what you want, look at the cover of any Disney film and see how busy it is.


There are some very great comments here: "Official" meaning commercial? If it's that look you are thinking, I agree with the lighting and depth as well as the busyness of the piece background. I think you could easily adjust your works into that realm. I for one though love the more personal styled works that are so prevalent in the fandom - that's why I'm here.


I think it comes down to consistency- that’s the answer I keep coming to. You know that’s an official piece of sonic the hedgehog art because he’s drawn the way he’s supposed to be drawn, and there’s nothing off about the design