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What is he talking about??




Ooooo, is the dark horse a bit of a dark horse with some secrets


Oh shit does he know something??

Max Freeman

Yep, he’s dead or knows something they don’t


Scandalous 🤭


Hmmm.. I get the feeling he either 1. Likes someone else. Or 2 likes are smaller horse friend and didn’t want to have thing end up like this


I have the impression he has a stake in the whole game. It seems to me that Logan knows more than he says. But I also clearly sense the resignation after the anger.


I'd be pretty pissed too, I think.


This is what I call sucks

Alex Peterson

I still hold on to the theory of Logan being a closeted gay. Logan tried being straight, being ashamed of homosexuality. So, someone wanting Logan to have sex with a man opens an old scar of his.

IC Wolf

Awwww, he wanted their first time to be organic instead of forced by the weird island prison. How romantic ;3

The Horseman

I think a major plot twist is about to be thrusted upon us.