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Hey! Thought you guys might like this - this is the script that I wrote for Housewarming! As you can see there's a lot more to creating a comic - you have to really plan it out in your head and make sure all the panels can kinda fit together in your mind. You might also notice on careful reading that some changes were made here and there :) Enjoy!


Page 1

Panel 1

Outside big house in suburban area, for sale sign is in front with ‘sold’ sign above it. There’s a moving van and a car out front.

Panel 2

Inside the house, boxes everywhere, things generally a mess and out of place. There’s a photo of him in a military uniform.

William: Damn it, where did I put the…?

Panel 3

Our first look at william, medium close, a rotund honey badger who’s slightly irritated, an open box in front of him, scratching his head. He’s wearing jeans and a white undershirt.

Panel 4

Close up lower 3/4 dutch angle of door, doorbell speaker above.


Panel 5

Close up of William’s face, turning quickly to look at the door, looking somewhat affronted.

William: What the hell, already?

Panel 6

William walking to get the door, side view, anxious, reaching for the doorknob.

William: I was really hoping they’d wait to-

Panel 7

He’s opened the door, smiling awkwardly at a middle-aged fox, Carl, who’s eagerly holding out some kind of casserole dish.

Carl (burst): Hey neighbor!

Page 2

Panel 1

Wide 3/4 shot, Carl is pressing the casserole dish into William’s hands, talking animatedly.

Carl: I live right next door - thought you could use a little something for supper!

Panel 2

side angle towards William, the two of them shaking hands, William holding the casserole in one arm.

Carl: I’m Carl.

William: William.

Carl: Nice to meet you!

Panel 3

Carl’s walking away, calling back over his shoulder as William looks on after him.

Carl: Feel free to come by any time you like if you need anything!

Panel 4

Close up small panel of William’s view - he’s really working his ass and swishing his tail.

Panel 5

William standing inside his house with the door shut, still mindlessly holding the casserole.

William (thoughts): Get a hold of yourself.

Page 3

Panel 1

William is working out in the backyard mowing. He has a short white fence back there, low angle, he’s wearing a hat.

Panel 2

He’s in foreground, looking away from us in surprise. Carl has exited the house, proudly walking towards his outdoor shower in nothing but a towel.

William: Hm?

Panel 3

Close up of his face - he’s awestruck at what he’s seeing, lower dutch angle.

Panel 4

Carl has dropped the towel in the grass, and we can see him totally naked as he’s opening the shower door.

Page 4

Panel 1

Underneath view from left, Close up of Carl looking over towards William with his eyes, smiling.

Panel 2

View from over William’s shoulder - he’s starting in shock. Carl is calling to him, one hand up to his mouth to carry his voice.

Carl: Like what you see, William?

Panel 3

Close up of Carl’s eyes - on the left side he’s a normal fox - but on the right he’s morphing into a tiger.

Panel 4

William is frozen in horror, wide eyed.

Panel 5

Exact same angle, he’s nothing but a streak, the door to his backyard slamming behind him.



Panel 6

Carl is laughing hysterically.

SFX: Hahahahahaha

Page 5

Panel 1

Large vertical splash panel - Carl in the shower, pawing at his erection and grinning to the right lazily.

Panel 2

Vertical splash panel of william, in the dark, looking stricken and sad.

Panel 3

Close up of Carl’s penis as he strokes.

Carl (thoughts): God he’s cute!

Close up of William’s hand - claws digging into the wood of his door.

six: ch-ch-ch-chk

William (thoughts): God. Joe.

Page 6

Panel 1 - thin wide-angle establishing shot, showing the moon over the trees.

Panel 2

Dutch angle from above, William is sleeping, a distressed look on his face, his sheets askew - obviously having a nightmare.

six: nng. mrrg. mff.

Panel 2

Medium close up of JOE, a handsome tiger, his shirt off, his junk just out of view on the bottom panel, but he’s obviously grabbing it. He’s looking directly at us - we’re in William’s POV. They’re in a shower area, but the background is hazy and dreamy. There’s a fog over pieces of the image, which is bright and colorful and slightly surreal.

JOE (unusual speech bubble): You like what you see, Will?

Panel 3

Different location, the two of them are in a secluded place, maybe a supply closet. They’re both wearing army fatigues. Their pants are down, they’re holding each others’ junk experimentally, and they’re both looking at the viewer in horror - a door has been opened, with light spilling in, and cast over them is the silhouette of an imposing military figure.

Panel 4

A massive explosion, with a figure raising a hand to shield himself to no avail as the fire consumes his silhouette. There’s a hint that they’re inside an enclosed space. It blends into William sitting up in bed, the tongues of fire licking at his back as though trying to grab him, his mouth open in a wide scream and his claws out.


Will (burst) YAAAAAGH!

Page 7

Panel 1

William is bursting out of the back door. He’s only wearing blue boxers.


Panel 2

Side view of him out by the back fence, hands on his hips, breath heaving.

William: *huff* *huff*

Panel 3

Across the fence, Carl is peeking cautiously out the door.

Panel 4

3/4 from behind, Carl approaching where William is standing. William is oblivious.

Carl: …You okay?

Panel 5

William is looking at carl in surprise, close up.

William: What’re you doing out here?

Page 8

Panel 1

Carl is holding up his hands with a nervous smile.

Carl: Sorry.

Panel 2

William is looking at him, looking stressed and slightly regretful.

Panel 3

He’s looking away.

Panel 4

The two of them together, standing at the fence. Carl is leaning on the fence with his hands and looking over at William.

Carl: Hey, Sorry about the whole naked thing.

Carl: Hope you weren’t offended.

William: No, I enjoyed it.

William: It’s just… You remind me of someone I knew.

Page 9

Got deleted for some reason

Page 10

Panel 1

Carl in foreground, looking away from us towards William, who’s lost in memories, looking ahead.

Carl: I didn’t know you were in the military.

William: Yep. Iraq.

Panel 2

Close up of Carl’s hand resting on William’s forearm.

SFX: Exclamation mark from William

Carl: I’m sorry you lost someone special to you.

Panel 3

Close up of William’s eyes, looking downward to his arm.

Panel 4

We see what he sees - but he’s not at home - he’s in the desert. Joe is before him, with his hand in the same spot, smiling reassuringly at him.

Panel 5

Wide shot, he’s grabbing Joe by the face and pulling him close, kissing him. There’s rushing swirls running through the shot - where William’s head is, he’s in his military uniform and helmet, kissing Joe - but in other parts of their bodies and background, we’re in reality - still in the backyard, and he’s kissing Carl.

Page 11

Panel 1

William picks up Joe and pulls him over the fence that’s inexplicably there in the desert.

Panel 2

William kneels, turning Joe around roughly.

Panel 3

William pulls down Joe’s boxers, revealing his ass.

Panel 4

Close up, william is pulling up Joe’s tail and is stuffing his tongue into his ass.

Page 12

Panel 1

Wide panel close up of William’s junk, held up over the waistband of his underwear. Joe’s legs are in view, as well as little sprigs of grass tickling William’s balls because he’s kneeling.

six: slrp schlp mmrg

PAnel 2

Joe ultra foreground, eyes looking behind him as William rises, grabbing Joe’s butt.

Panel 3

Close up, Joe’s penis pressed into Joe’s asshole.

Panel 4

Underneath shot, William’s cockhead pressed inside.

Joe: Nnnngg!

Page 13

Panel 1

William looking up in surprise.

Carl: Okay, okay, stop.

Panel 2

We see what William sees - suddenly Carl is there in front of him, in the same pose, looking back at him sardonically.

Carl: I think this is hot as hell, but there’s no way I’m doing that without lube.

Panel 3

Close up of William’s eyes, completely aghast, black and white, already tears beginning to shine.

Panel 4

William crying out, tears in his eyes, throwing himself away from carl, who is alarmed at the sudden change.

William (burst): Oh GOD! NO!

Page 14

Panel 1

Close up of William’s feet, catching awkwardly in his boxers around his ankles, causing him to trip backwards.

William: Yagh!

Panel 2

William slams down on his butt, hard. Burst lines.

SFX: Boomf

William: Oogh!

Panel 3

Medium close up, Carl crouching down in front of him.

Carl: Are you okay?

Panel 4

Medium close of William, hands over his face, his whole body shaking.

William: I’m sorry

William: I’m sorry

William: I’m sorry

Panel 5

Full shot, the two of them hugging, their groins pressed together unconcernedly, william crying and shaking.

William: I wanted it to be true!

Page 15

Own damn fault page missing.

Page 16

Panel 1

Carl is kneeling naked in the yard, looking at William’s house. the door has just clicked shut.

SFX: click

Carl: …okay.

Panel 2

William is sitting on the edge of his bed in the dark, his shoulders slumped and his head lowered.

Panel 3

Side view closer up, his head lowered, his eyes closed.

Page 17

Panel 1

Establishing wide shot of morning.

Panel 2

William is standing on Carl’s front porch, knocking on the door.

sfx: rap rap rap

Panel 3

The door opens, Carl is standing there in his boxers with a cup of coffee in his hand.

Carl: Oh. Hi.

PAnel 4

Medium close of William.

William: Hi.

PAnel 5

Close up of William, nervously scratching behind his ear and not meeting William’s eyes.

William: About last night. I’m sorry.

Page 18

Panel 1

Medium from high angle, looking down at the two of them over William’s shoulder.

Carl: For the… almost-sex? ‘Cause I-

William: Well yeah, but-

William: No, for leaving you there.

Panel 2

Medium close of carl, looking away from William.

It’s okay. I understand.

Panel 3

William is gesturing, reaching out to him.

William: I was wondering- I still haven’t eaten that casserole of yours yet.

William: Would you like to have dinner tonight?

Panel 5

Side view of the two of them, William is blushing and Carl is leaning forward excitedly.

Carl: Really? Sure!

William: Great! Awesome.

Panel 6

William walking away, waving over his shoulder.

William: I’ll see you then!

Carl: Yes you will!

Page 19 (6 panels)

Panel 1

Carl is standing on William’s porch, wearing a collared shirt and black pants with a belt.

sfx: ding dong

Panel 2

William has the door open, waving Carl in. Both are smiling and happy.

William: Hi Carl! Come on in.

Carl: Thanks Will.

Panel 3

View of the two of them, Carl has stopped walking, they’re both looking at something beyond the viewer.

Carl: Oh wow!

Panel 4

View of what they’re seeing. The table has been set for two, spartan but still nice, with a tablecloth.

William: Oh, yeah, I just thought…

Carl: This is totally a date, then!

William: I uh

Panel 5

Medium close, Carl is planting a quick peck on William’s lips.

Carl: You’re sweet.

Panel 6

Carl is walking past our view out of frame, William is smiling and blushing.

Page 20 (5 panels)

Panel 1

The two of them sitting at the table, talking cheerfully.

Panel 2

Over Carl’s shoulder as William laughs, telling a story animatedly.

Panel 3

Under the table, their feet are entwined.

Panel 4

Close up of the table - their plates are empty.

William: That was really good. Thank you.

Carl: My pleasure.

Panel 5

Carl is smiling nervously, canting his head.

Carl: Would it be okay if I held your hand?

Page 21

Panel 1

Close up of William blushing and smiling.

William: Sure.

Panel 2

Close up of William’s hand, carl’s now resting gently atop it.

Panel 3

Wide angle of the two of them, chest up.

William: I like that.

Carl: Good.

William: Why’d you ask, though?

Panel 4

Medium close up of Carl.

Carl: Well, last night I did and things kinda went funny.

Panel 5

William looking reassuringly at carl.

William: Don’t worry. I’d just had a nightmare, and afterward reality can kindof… blur sometimes.

Page 22

Panel 1

Close up side view of Carl

Carl: I had a wonderful time tonight.

Panel 2

Close up side view of William

William: I’m glad. But… is the night over?

Panel 3

Close up of under the table, Carl has raised his leg and is pressing his foot against William’s groin.

Carl: I sure hope not.

Panel 4

Wider view of the two of them. William has put his hand under the table and is gently squeezing Carl’s calf.

William: Heh. Keep doing that. Feels nice.

Carl: Likewise.

Page 23

Panel 1

Close up of William’s crotch - his erection is growing and tenting - Carl’s foot is squishing against his balls.

sfx: rub fssh

Panel 2

Close up of william, getting slightly delirious from this attention.

William: So - hmmm - what is it about you? I mean - you were so friendly from the beginning. I’m not used to that.

Panel 3

Medium close of Carl, shrugging offhandedly.

Carl: Oh, no reason, I’m just a divorcee who fucked up his life and lost his wife and kids when he realized he liked men.

Panel 4

Wide angle, can see under the table, Carl has removed his foot from William’s crotch and is resting it on the front of the chair. William looks surprised, Carl bashful.

William: Oh.

Carl: Yeah. I know, kinda ruins the mood. I’d just like… well, a friend at the very least.

Panel 5

Closer in, William is leaning in and touching his hand under Carl’s chin.

William: More would be better though, right?

Panel 6

Close up of their lips about to touch.

Carl: Yeah.

Page 24 (6 panels)

Panel 1

Shoulder up, they’re kissing passionately.

Panel 2

Close up, they’ve pulled back a little bit and are touching foreheads.

William: I want you.

Panel 3 Close up of Carl’s eyes

Carl: I came prepared, just in case you did.

Panel 4

Close up of William’s eyes.

William: No.

Panel 5

Wide angle, William has stood and is lowering his pants, exposing his butt to us, Carl is surprised.

sfx: shff

Page 25

Panel 1

Wide angle, William is standing, bent over with his arms resting on the table, with his pants just pulled down to the middle of his thighs, smiling and exposing himself, presenting.

William: I want you the other way around.

Panel 2

Carl has stood up and is frantically undoing his belt.

Carl: Fuck!

Panel 3

Carl is walking over to where William waits, his hard dick wobbling as he shuffles with his pants in the middle of his thighs.

Carl: Have you ever…?

Panel 4

Medium close of William looking over his shoulder.

William: No. But I’m a big boy, I can handle it.

Panel 5

Close up of Carl’s cock resting on top of william’s butt.

Carl: God that’s hot.

Page 26

Panel 1

Medium shot of William in ultra foreground looking subtly over his shoulder at William, who has removed a bottle of lube from his pocket and is holding it up.

Carl: Oops

Carl: Can’t forget this.

Panel 2

Close up of Carl’s penis as he squirts the lube onto it, jacking with the other hand - it’s really shiny.

Panel 3

Close up of Carl’s teeth, grinning.

Carl: Hope you don’t mind if I give ya the finger.

Panel 4

Close up of William’s asshole - Carl has slid a finger inside.

William: Hmm!

Panel 5

Close up of William, grinning as well.

William: You’re killin’ me Carl, just killin’ me.

William: Hrrmmng

Page 27

Panel 1

Wide angle, Carl is leaning his weight on William’s hips, smiling at him and he’s put two fingers up William’s butt and is pushing them in and out. William has his mouth open, moaning.

Carl: How’s this?

William: Ugghhhfuck…

Panel 2

Close up, Carl is leaning over William’s back, whispering in his ears.

Carl: Should we take this to the bedroom?

William: You do anything but fuck me right here and I’ll tear your nuts off.

Panel 3

POV of Carl pressing his cock against his asshole.

Carl: Yes sir!

Page 28

Panel 1

Close up of Carl’s cock pressing into William’s asshole.

Panel 2

Same angle, the head has popped in.

William: ah!

Panel 3

Same angle, Carl’s hips are pressed flush with William’s.

William: Nnnngggg.

Page 29

Panel 1

Splash panel, William has stood up slightly, Carl is hugging him warmly, smiling. Both have their eyes closed.

Carl: This is so nice.

Page 30

Panel 1

Close up of Carl snuggling his face against William’s back.

Carl: We’re the perfect height for this.

Panel 2

Close up of their hips, Carl pressing in deeper.

sfx: grind

Panel 3

Close up of William’s face, eyes closed.

William: Mmmmnnh

Panel 4

Close up of William’s midsection - we see Carl’s arms and hands squeezing around his stomach as Carl starts humping him - William’s cock is bouncing up and down.

sfx: plap plap plap

William: *grunt*

Page 31 (3 panels)

Panel 1

Close up of William’s face in foreground, Background is Carl, grabbing William’s hips and looking down as he fucks determinedly.

William: God your cock is hard.

Panel 2

Close up of Carl’s eyes, he’s smiling and looking down.

Carl: Well, the view here is pretty nice.

Panel 3

What Carl sees - William’s tail arched up and over as it accepts Carl’s cock.

Page 32 (4 panels)

Panel 1

Close up side view of William’s loins, his penis hard and swinging.

Carl: so…

Panel 2

William is leaned forward on the table, bracing himself with his hands. Carl has grabbed his shoulders and is continuing to gently fuck.

sfx: slp slp

Carl: Is it everything you thought it would be?

Panel 3

Close up 3/4 view of William, eyes closed, chin lifted, talking.

William: Ah - I feel like I need to jack off - but I think I’ll cum if I touch it.

Panel 4

Medium close of Carl, raising an eyebrow and looking mischievous.

Page 33 (5 panels)

Panel 1

3/4 low angle view, Carl pressed flat against William’s back, stretching his arms downward sneakily.

Panel 2

Close up of William’s cock and belly, Carl’s arm squeezing into his stomach fat as he strains to reach William’s dripping cock.


Panel 3

Ultra close up, His fingers straining to just barely touch his index to William’s cockhead.

Carl: NNgah!

Panel 4

William has turned his head and is looking back towards Carl:

William: What’re you doing?

Panel 5

sfx: slump

Side view, Carl has slumped over william’s back, his cock still inside, his arms flopped down in defeat. William is looking back towards him, slightly concerned.

Carl: Dammit.

William: What?

Carl:…. I can’t reach your cock.

Page 34

Panel 1

Close up of William laughing.

William: Hahahahaha!

Panel 2

William in ultra foreground right side, looking back at Carl, who is leaning over William’s back, resting his weight on his forearm, which is across William’s hips. He looks slightly sheepish.

William: What, you want me to cum in 5 seconds?

Carl: Well.. I think that’s really hot.

Panel 3

Close up of William’s butt, he’s turning away, Carl’s cock slipping out.

sfx: slurp.

William: I’ve got a better idea.

Panel 4

William has taken his shirt off over his head, exposing his massive chest and nipples, his hard cock jutting out proudly.

Page 35

Panel 1

Close up of Carl, halfway done unbuttoning his shirt.

Carl: Now we’re talkin’!

Panel 2

Cowboy medium of the two of them, William, looking lovingly down at Carl, has turned and is rotating to the left side of the panel, away from the table, arms around Carl’s waist, their cocks touching. Carl has his shirt off, just hanging on by one sleeve as the shirt falls to the floor.

William: C’mere.

Panel 3

The two of them are lying down on the kitchen floor, their groins pressed together, William’s legs up in the air, kissing.

Panel 4

Lower angle, closer to William’s head, Carl excitedly holding William’s cock.

William: Now you’ve got as much as you want.

Page 36

Panel 1

Side close view of Carl bending down, tongue out, to lick William’s cockhead, pulling the foreskin back.

sfx: slp

Carl: Never gotten to play with an uncut one before.

Panel 2

Close up, his tongue running along William’s urethra, the flesh bending and his tongue partially touching the inside.

sfx: lick

Panel 3

Close up of Carl’s hands from william’s perspective, both grabbing his penis, squeezing the skin.

Panel 4

Further back, looking up at Carl’s face. He’s excited, masturbating William quickly.

Carl: Wow! Hey, it’s like a shakeweight!

Panel 5

Close up of William’s face, eyes clenched shut and smiling at the corniness while he’s being jacked off.

William: Sheeit! Hahaha! Nnng!

Page 37

Panel 1

(text runs across panel 1 and 2)

I didn’t think I’d ever laugh so much duringohmygod

Close up of Carl’s penis touching William’s asshole.

Panel 2

Same angle, Carl’s cockhead sliding in.

Panel 3

Top angle view, Carl holding William’s ankles as he fucks him.

William: hah hohhh

sfx: slap plap plap

Page 38

Panel 1

Side view, Carl leaning forward, holding William’s ankle in one hand and his cock in the other, jacking it.

Carl: I wanna see you cum.

Panel 2

Close up of William, shouting out, eyes wide open.

William: Fuck!

Panel 3

Side view, Carl is squeezing the base of William’s penis, still humping him, foreskin pulled back as a huge arc of jizz shoots into the air.

Carl: Woa!

Panel 4

Above view of the two of them, Carl lying across William’s thigh, cum splattered across William’s stomach.

Carl: You weren’t kidding.

William: *Huff* woof.

Page 39

Panel 1

Side view of the two of them, romantic tilted angle.

William: Was I good?

Panel 2

Closer in, them just barely kissing, Carl touching a finger to william’s chin.

Carl: More than good.

Panel 3

Medium shot of their two penises - William’s is floppy, but Carl’s is still hard.

William: But… you didn’t cum yet did you?

Carl: Thought i’d give your ass a break.

Panel 4

Side view, William is sitting up and looking down and back at Carl.

William: Come with me.

Page 40

Panel 1

The two of them outside, completely naked, William’s boner returning, William leading Carl to the outdoor shower.

Panel 2

View from slightly above as they get in the shower, close together as Carl turns on the water.

sfx: tssss

Panel 3

Close up of William smiling down at Carl.

Panel 4

Close up of Carl smiling up at William.

Panel 5

Close up of William’s paw encircling Carl’s cock and balls.

William: Now…

Page 41

Panel 1

Wide angle of the outside of the shower, looking at the two of them, just their upper bodies showing over the shower fence.

William: Let’s take care of you.

Panel 2

Same angle, William has disappeared from view, Carl is looking down excitedly.

Panel 3

Same angle, William has closed his eyes and lifted his head in ecstasy.

Carl: hoohhh.

Panel 4

Close up of William with Carl’s cock in his mouth.

sfx: Slurp

PAnel 5

Aerial view of the neighborhood.

Carl: Oh god yes!

Page 42

Panel 1

Cap: Later…

In William’s bedroom, on the bed, William fucking Carl doggystyle - their size difference is fun because Carl’s hips and thighs fit between William’s thighs.

William: Nnng!

Carl: Oh yeah.

sfx: hump hump slp

Panel 2

Carl looking up and over his left shoulder, view from 3/4 behind, his eyes hooded.

Carl: I love… how we fit together.

Panel 3

Close up of down below, showing his bobbing, erect cock, highlighting their overlapping bodies and how close they are.

Carl: You’re so warm!

Page 43 (3 panels)

Panel 1

William is smiling deliriously.

William: I could… just stay like this forever.

Panel 2

Underneath view of their balls and cocks.

Carl: That’s ok by me.

Panel 3

Splash panel of the two of them hugging close, like when Carl was fucking William earlier, mouth open in a gentle orgasm.

William: Ahhhh!

Page 44

Panel 1

Close up of their two faces, Carl looking up at William from underneath, pressed against his chest. William looks slightly giddy.

Carl: Heh. I love your orgasm face too.

Panel 2

Wide angle, William has pressed Carl onto his back on the bed, Carl is partially turned over with his hips not turned all the way yet, William has one foot up, his floppy cock very big and obvious.

William: Your turn now.

Carl: You know, we don’t have to keep score!

Panel 3

Close up of William’s face.

William: Yes we do.

Panel 4

View from behind, William is holding Carl’s hard cock and positioning it against his asshole, tail raised.

William: We’re making up for lost time!

Panel 5

Same angle, He’s sitting down, his asshole swallowing Carl’s cock.

sfx: Hahhhhhhhh

Page 45

Panel 1

Big panel, focusing on their upper bodies, dutch angle.

William: Nnng. You know, with you here… so close…

Panel 2

Close up of William’s junk and ass sitting on Carl’s belly.

William: So warm…

Panel 3

Close up of Carl’s face.

William: I think I finally feel it.

Carl: Feel what?

Panel 4

From outside their window as though we’re looking in on them, 3/4 view, William sitting/crouching on Carl’s cock, his weight also on one arm, the two of them leaned forward romantically.

William: I’m home.

The End.


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