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The End! That wraps up Forest Fires! If you include part 1, it was 64 pages in total! Not quite the 150 I was thinking of when I first wrote the outline, but just for you behind the scenes people, I'll let you in on a little bit of a secret:

It was originally going to be longer and have a little bit of a different ending, but when I discovered that Patreon will insta-ban you without warning and with no chance for appeal if they find any zoophilia-related stuff on your page, I had to abandon it. In the original outline, when Devon and Ulfric found out that the Stableman was fucking the king, they went out Devon had to fuck the horse that the Stableman fucked right at the beginning of the comic, putting a special curse on it as he did.

When next the stableman fucked that horse, he would carry the curse inside him and transplant it into the King next time they fooled around. After that, the king would be in a trance and go to the graveyard, and his soul would be exchanged for the soul of the Prince's (who was actually dead in this version). The curse was called the widower's revenge. But when the time came, the king reveals he's not in a trance - and that the stableman is the black sorcerer and countered the curse as soon as he felt it. They have a huge battle, the king fighting Ulfric and Devon fighting the Black Sorcerer, and Devon is about to lose. In a last ditch effort, he summons the horse from the stable, which they are magically bound to since both devon and the Black Sorcerer fucked it and the stableman fucked the king, and Devon sacrifices himself by pouring the essences of all three of them into the horse.

All three die, and with his last breath Devon tells Ulfric to jack the horse off on the Prince's grave. The horse has the life energy of 4 beings within him, so it heals the prince and he rises from the grave. He then uses the excess energy to give Devon back his spirit. It would have had a pretty emotional scene where the Prince was upset that his father died, even though his father killed him. Then The Prince becomes king, they all live happily ever after, the end.

So yeah, the original idea was a bit more complex and WAY longer, but it just wasn't going to work without those zoo-centric elements, and I was starting to wear on the characters a bit anyway, so I think simplifying it to the official story worked out the best.

As for the next comic, the main thing I learned from this one is that what people really hunger for is the drama and interpersonal relationships between characters, so that's what HH&H is going to heavily focus on. I'm so excited - All that's left is to rig one of our main characters and I'll have a special something for you Studs to see! So stay with me, 'cause this next comic is really gonna be good!



The Littlest Pitbull

Your new comic; will it feature the characters we met in Forest Fires? Or will be a whole new adventure? With whole new characters? And whole new cocks to suck. And whole new booties to fuck?