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Hey everybody! It looks like there might be some interest waning for forest fires now that the sex scene is done, and I was wanting your thoughts on perhaps concluding it  moving to another story- basically kind of how forge does his comics, with a strong theme and a lot of sex, but definitely not a graphic novel lol. Please let me know your thoughts!


Sage Deer

Hmm. I am curious as to what happens to the bear, the stableman et al, aside from sex (they could always have more), but aye, perhaps keep it on the shorter side. As an example, another furry artist here has a "graphic novel" up to 118(!) pages, and it became stale, even with a continuing plot and frequent rutting scenes.


I'm still quite interested in how the story will progress. Porn with plot is appreciated. I loved the feral stallion scene near the beginning. I'll be happy if some nudity/sex is tossed in every once in a while or so.


Personally, I’m here not only for the porn, but for the story. The former of which just gives the latter a bit more flavor. I’d honestly think that cutting the story off now would be a mistake. You’ve already set up quite a bit in terms of story, starting with Devon’s opening statement that this is the story of how he dies. What does that mean? Devon fought his way to where he is, which means he’s powerful, capable and proud, but he’s also the hand of a tyrant who (presumably) punishes homosexuality with death. What will that mean for Devon? The stableman obviously recognized Devon in the woods, and assuming the missing mask at the end of the sex scene was no mistake, what will that mean when everyone else recognizes who they just got done banging? The tyrant tasked Devon to infiltrate the organization and report back so the tyrant can take their heads. What will Devon do now and what will that mean for him? What are the watcher stones - are they there to keep people out, or keep people in? How does the population feel about being under the boot of the tyrant? Who are these others in the orgy? There’s so many different directions this story can go in, and it’d be a shame if it ended up just being a one-and-done stroke story.


As fickle as the fandom can be sometimes when it comes to paying for things that aren't all sex, don't get washed away in their wave if you have a story to tell. Some of my more meaningful patronage is to developing stories in one form or another. Whether you continue Forest Fires or start anew, go with your heart.


I like the story and am interested in what happens next in it. Not all of the fandom stops reading after the sex scene! :)


I'd love to see a continuation of Forest Fires, even if that involves less peen, but you also need to look out for you so...tough decision. :E

Paul (Chiron)

I agree. Would love to see the story continue!


You should finish the story

Setekh Chaos

Please continue. I plan on staying for the long haul with you. Love the story with my porn. And I hope the stableman ends up with the sexy bear at the end as maybe a couple


I would definitely continue with the story, you set up so much plot!


I personally loved the start! you put so much heart in your story that it feels but you have done quickly for the orgy what I find a pity ... but these not serious these too cute! and if you want to remake a story you can ask for a general opinion to have track :) I hope with all my heart to be able to discuss with you one of these days! see you later !


You could always come back to it. Make this part one of the saga. There's obviously still interest and people want to know what happens next. But if you think moving onto a new project is a good idea, this could be a good approach.


I really like the story as well as the orgy. Hope you decide to continue it. Would really like to know what happens to the two main characters

Bryan shaw

That would be fun to have a good story with sex every now and then.


I wanted to know more about the king and his side of this story. Though I’m more in to character development but that’s your call if you want to end it like that.

Roddy Sabers

Personally, I'd like to see how Forest Fires story continues. Though, I won't be opposed to read another story with a long arching theme.


Way late input, but as above, I would love to see this story continue. There seems to be a lot more behind this and the characters... sex is great (and oh lordy is Devon and Horse are hott hott HOTT) but I like meat to my readings :)