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Happy Halloween! ...oh wait.

To start this monthly report off with, I want to once again thank all the new patrons that have joined in this month! While Patreon-exclusive content isn't something I'm planning on doing often outside of early access and sneak peeks of videos, I'm still happy that many of you enjoy my work so much to give it support.

While I'm probably a little busy worrying about increasing academic work (plus declaring my graduation thesis) as you're reading this, I still got a bunch of updates!

The 3DS AR Games 

The core video about the 3DS AR Games released this month! I definitely think that this is some of my best work so far...and not just because it's the longest core video yet. :P It definitely ticks all the boxes of what I strive for with my core videos: a fresh look at an obscure or nostalgic topic, and a nice balance of information and comedy (though I prefer more of the former myself). And thank you to those who submitted pictures for the Star Pics section!

Seeing the reception of this video, I'm feeling a lot more confident about the future core video topics I have in my plans, but more on that in a bit!

3D Challenge Showcase

Now the next immediate video I was working on would be the next Things of Interest video (that I briefly teased in the AR Games video)...but I'm also working on another smaller video as well! For those who didn't or couldn't check out the recent updates I posted in my Discord server, I've partnered up with the folks at the preservation group Forest of Illusion to create a small video showcasing a newly-preserved 3DS tech demo called 3D Challenge, dating all the way back to 2010! It's possibly one of the earliest pieces of 3DS software ever made, so it's absolutely fascinating to a 3DS nut like myself. The video is already in the editing bay at the moment, but I'm also waiting on some additional footage and voiceover work as well, so I can't provide an estimate release time just yet.

While this video won't be released as an early access on Patreon as it will be coordinated with a dump release by Forest of Illusion, I may be sharing occasional WIP shots in my Discord server as the video gets closer to completion, so stay tuned!

The next Things of Interest...

Okay, so I'm guessing that teaser pic I posted in last month's report probably isn't enough. So......

Yes, the script is being worked on and is like 85% done, I'm just particularly a bit more busy this week to find time, especially with that other video in the works. :p

And the next core video...

I dropped a super early hint for my next planned core video topic in last month's report. However, it occurred to me that while I could begin working on the script for it, I would need to wait for something to be shipped to me from the US for footage-taking, and considering the state of the world at the moment, I'd rather not have shipping issues delay production. one lol

I'm currently looking into other smaller topic alternatives for core videos from the list I have, and if I have multiple in mind, I might even do a Patreon poll to vote on the next topic, so stay tuned!


Actually, since we're here, why not do a small Q&A session? Feel free to drop some questions in the comments below, the topics can be anything from video games to daily life, and as long it's not overly personal I should be able to answer them in a follow-up post! I'm totally not stealing this idea from a certain other creator that I'm currently pledging to.

That's it for updates. I'll try not to have academic work fully occupy my time on videos as they become more and more prevalent, but I definitely can't help but worry sometimes since it's my final year of studies in university, and the seriousness of my work is beginning to ramp up. So thank you for understanding! As it currently stands, the two videos I'm working on right now should be on schedule, so I hope you look forward to them. :)



eyyy i'm glad people like the new video! it was definitely a lot of fun to take photos for it! and as for questions... what's a series you like that people wouldn't probably expect you to like and why do you like it? also did you have a good day today? thank youuuuu~