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Alright, doing this a little early because I'm taking suggestions for things related to the AR Games core video! More info later on. This month, I finally finished the script for it, but if you missed my previous update post, I had to send in my computer to get fixed due to a battery issue. Fortunately, that's now done, and hopefully I can finish things up in September. These big core videos take quite a lot outta me, don't they lol

Graceful Explosion Machine & Physical Indies | Things of Interest 

This month, I released a Things of Interest video for a physical release of Graceful Explosion Machine, courtesy of Super Rare Games! I've mentioned previously that I don't necessarily like just doing standard review videos of games, so this is kind of an example of how I'd approach this kind of video, by tying it to a more interesting aspect, in this case the actual physical release itself, the bonus contents it contains, as well as the significance of physical releases in general to indie developers and game preservation. Even though the video wasn't necessarily the most widespread due to a more specific and niche topic, I think it was decent experience on how to do videos of this nature! Feel free to let me know how I did with this one.

3DS AR Games

Okay we're almost at the home stretch with this one. I noticed a bunch of 3DS-related posts blowing up on Twitter this month and figured that nostalgia for the thing is definitely starting to show, which might be the perfect time for this topic to finally be explored lol

I really liked how this script turned out and definitely want to make this one of the best core videos so far. It'll explore not just the built-in AR Games, but also touch upon the rest of the AR support on the 3DS, showcase some notable titles, and see the legacy that it left on the development of augmented reality, even though most people don't seem to remember it too much nowadays!

While I'm preparing to record footage for it soon, I might not be able to do a livestream of the recording session for Sneak Peeker patrons this time around, due to the amount of specific scenes I have to capture, as well as the larger play environment needed for AR Games. However, I would love to hear some suggestions from all of you regarding photo ideas!

If you don't remember, the base AR Games contain different photo tools for taking AR photos with different Nintendo characters, including Miis and six other characters: Mr. AR (the AR Games mascot), Mario, Toon Link, Kirby, Samus, and Pikmin. I'm looking for suggestions of what interesting situations I can capture with these character combinations to showcase in the core video! Each of them can be freely oriented, with different sizes and poses available, so if you need a refresher, feel free to dig up your 3DS and check them out. If you're feeling really ambitious, you can also just take photos of them yourself and submit ones that you find interesting directly to me, through Patreon or the Discord channels!

I would also appreciate photo ideas or submissions for the Photos with Mario/Photos with Animal Crossing/Photos with Pikmin apps, if some folks out there remember them! (They're basically the same thing but with animated versions of characters instead) Hopefully I can share more updates on WIPs soon!

Upcoming Plans

Also, I think I have the subjects for both the next Things of Interest video and core video planned out! I actually briefly teased the TOI subject in last month's report, but uh, here's a teaser pic.

...I'll leave it at that.

As for the next core video after AR Games, it'll be something of a smaller scale since I like to alternate between big and small topics (so things like Mario no Photopi or the Virtual Boy sequel video will have to wait). But I'll drop an early hint for now: it's not related to any Nintendo platform.

I'm starting my university semester next month, but I'm going to make the most of the early time I've got to work on videos, since all of these upcoming topics are ones I'm SUPER excited to tackle. Catch ya guys soon for more updates!

Oh and uh, if you missed it, I did a WarioWare D.I.Y. music cover while my computer was being fixed. So there's that! Go play Bug Fables, it's really good.


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