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Let it be known that as of writing this report, the games industry is on fire and Nintendo is selling NES games again and casually confirming they'll announce the Switch's successor soon!


This month has been going fairly smooth, even if I'm mostly still just finishing up projects I've previously teased! I also finally did a new round of doodles for Expansion Pack patrons, if you haven't checked them out yet!

Useless Nintendo Trivia

The third episode of Useless Nintendo Trivia is now out! I think doing one of these between every main channel video is gonna be a good plan going forward and will help mitigate any droughts between videos should they pop up.

I've also started uploading individual trivia bits as Shorts, which you'll be seeing occasionally uploaded onto the channel! YouTube Shorts so far are more of a way to further increase exposure to new viewers rather than additional revenue, so I think repurposing UNT bits for Shorts rather than creating fully original Shorts will be a better idea going forward, and if one just happens to blow up, then call that good luck with the algorithm!

As of now, 30 facts have been covered, and there are 55 remaining in my stockpile!

The 34 Games I Beat in 2023

After some delay due to the previous time-sensitive videos, the 2023 games review is now out! Since they cover so many games in one video which makes it harder to stand out, I had anticipated that it wouldn't perform as well as the previous videos, but so far it's surpassed the 2022 edition in views, which is pretty neat!

If you've enjoyed me just rambling on about a whole bunch of video games, then thank you! I will definitely be continuing to do this as an annual thing. I've also created a Game Index that will list every game I've covered in these videos in alphabetical order, if a newcomer to these videos wants to look up what I thought about a specific game!

And if you're curious as to how long the 2024 list currently is, right now it's sitting at 10 games with one honorable mention. Oh boy.

And now on to the new stuff that's in the works!

Super Famicom Box | Things of Interest

The next Things of Interest video about the Super Famicom Box is going swimmingly! The script is 99% complete (I just have the ending left to finish), and I've done some in-game footage and camera recording as well. It should be on track to be finished in the next week or two, as long as I can finish voice recording on time!

I figured this time around I wouldn't want people to wait too long after I teased that I'd be talking more about the Super Famicom Box during the MAR10 Day video, so here we are! Even after this one, there are still quite a few things I've been wanting to do Things of Interest videos on for quite some time now. But for now, after this video (and perhaps another episode of Useless Nintendo Trivia), it's time for the next core video...

Pyoro: The Bird, The Beans, The Legend

It'll finally be time to talk about Pyoro! I've had this in the video idea polls since June of last year, and yes, way before the leaker started gaining prominence from the June 2023 Direct.

While yes, Pyoro is now mostly infamous due to the leaker, there haven't been a lot of videos actually explaining where he's from and all the minigames he starred in as part of the WarioWare series, so that's what this core video will be about, plus some looks into fan efforts to bring his games to other platforms!

Scriptwriting has just started for this and will go into full throttle after the Super Famicom Box video is done, so hopefully you can expect this before the end of June!

Plus channel videos

Over on the Plus channel, finally a new video where I try and control PC games with an original Game Boy! The rest of the planned Plus channel topics (including the Japan trip) are still happening, but with me putting my focus on the main channel for now, I can't give estimates for when they'll show up. The goal will be to have at least one Plus video out every month going forward though!

That'll be it for now! April has been a pretty good month of growth for the channel -- particularly also because the Nintendo stylus video did really well -- so I'll catch you back here next month for more updates!


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