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Whoa! Okay, it's not every monthly report that you get to talk about three different projects that have gone up on the main channel, so that's pretty neat!

This is probably also the first time in the channel's history that I've had four videos in a row do moderately well right off the bat, so thank you so much for your response to the recent videos!

How Many Times Have I Paid For Super Mario Bros.?

This is this year's MAR10 Day video, and one with a topic that seemed like a nice followup to my short Mario 64 joke video last year while also being an actual scripted video! I actually do keep a spreadsheet documenting all the times I've legally paid for Super Mario Bros. just for fun, so I just basically converted that into video form! There's other videos out there that explore almost every licensed/unlicensed port of Super Mario Bros. such as this video by PatMac, so hopefully this was an interesting alternate angle to look at the topic of SMB1 ports from!

At the end of the video I showcased the latest 'copy' of Super Mario Bros. I've bought in the form of the Super Famicom Box. I mentioned that I'd do a separate video on the thing and a lot of people in the comments definitely seem interested in that, so that could be a candidate for the next Things of Interest video!

(And also, for those who are wondering, I am classifying the two major scripted videos I put out this month under the core videos list, since that's pretty much what the original designation of those were in addition to the bigger topics I've done in the recent years of the channel! I've reorganized the full playlist a bit too so now the 3D Challenge showcase and the video about game dumping are now included as well.)

Useless Nintendo Trivia

The Useless Nintendo Trivia series I've been talking about is now out as a proper series and you can watch episodes #1 and #2 right now! So far, they've been received really well! I'm definitely going to be making more of these during the small down-time between projects, as of this report I have 56 different facts in the stockpile to talk about for the future! And as always, if you have any suggestions for other useless Nintendo trivia, you can let me know on Discord and I may include them in future episodes eventually!

Every Nintendo Stylus

And for April Fools this year, it's not a joke video, but just a core video on a stupid topic! From what I can tell, no one's actually made a video comparing the different Nintendo styluses aside from that one unscripted video I put on Akfamilyhome Plus in 2021, so with every proper Nintendo handheld stylus in tow, I decided April 1st would be a great time to make a scripted version. And sorta unsurprisingly, out of all my recent videos of course it was the dang video about Nintendo styluses that did the most well. I don't know if there's another similarly stupid topic to be covered in the future (like I dunno, every Nintendo D-Pad???) but we'll see!

For those of you with a good memory, this video was included as one of the potential topics in my video topic vote back in June of last year! Which means the only two video topics left to do in that vote are the GBA TV Tuner, and the Pyoro core video. I definitely want to talk about Pyoro after finishing up the 2023 game review, so speaking of which...

Current projects

'Every Game I've Beaten in 2023' is still in the process of voice recording, and now that I've finished the two time-sensitive videos for the past month (March 10th and April 1st), I should finally be able to start focusing on finishing the voice recording for that. I don't have more updates to give on that front, but speaking of voice recording...

I have my first new mic in 6 years, upgrading from the Blue Snowball to Yeti X! I pretty much picked this up on a whim after seeing a used listing go for a similar price as a regular Yeti, and while the Snowball is still a perfectly serviceable mic, it's been having a few problems with connectivity and sensitivity lately, and I'm definitely interested in the new functionalities the Yeti X adds including the built-in audio tuning options. It probably won't make my voiceover sound radically different (the videos released this month have all been recorded with the Snowball beforehand), but you'll be hearing it in action in my 2023 games review video (while part of the script has already been recorded with the Snowball so I guess you can compare them next video lol)

The only downside for the month is that I haven't found time to record bonus videos for the Plus channel as a result, including the ones I said I wanted to do last report, so sorry about that! I did get my hands on something recently that would be a perfect candidate for a video, plus it's currently on loan to me from the retro museum in Hong Kong so I'll have to make a video on it sooner or later...

This is a gadget that lets you use an original Game Boy as a wireless controller for a PC! How well does it even work? What games could you even feasibly use this on? We shall find out...soon hopefully!

Alright, that's it for this report! Will I be able to finish the long overdue 2023 games review in April? ...I'd hope so, gotta keep that momentum going! See you next month!


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