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Okay, it's been quite a bit since the last one oops, so let's do this again as I'm a decent way through the next few videos!

Like last time, I'll be taking suggestions for black & white doodles from Expansion Pack patrons, limited to one suggestion per patron. (I'll try my best to fulfill every request but might not be able to if there are too many. Sorry!)

If you have a certain character you'd like to see me to a quick doodle of, leave a suggestion in the replies below this post! (NOT the Discord server!) I can draw both existing characters or original characters, and in the case of the latter, feel free to provide links to references either as a link below or in the server. I can't draw anything hateful, abusive or NSFW, and can refuse suggestions for other reasons. Also, each patron is limited to only one suggestion!

I'll be taking submissions for about a week for now, so expect them to close by next weekend!

You can see the last doodle sheet here!



Vivian from thousand year door!

Hiruka Asuka

Why not queen ripple from Kirby 64?