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First of all, thanks to all of you who support me, follow me on social media and in general like my stuff. I'm forever grateful to you for giving me a privilege of making a living doing things that I like, especially after I had to leave my job during the time when the pandemic started.

I moved to blender this year, which was somewhat successful, but I still have a lot to learn. The number of animated content got lower and that concerns me. I'm not the best animator around, I can animate dick going up and down, but doing something more complex is challenging for me. And at this point I feel like I want to do more complex things. Not being able to do what you want is frustrating and combined with overall longer production time for the blender animation makes it a lot harder for me to produce animations like I used to. But it's fine, I think, I just need more time and practice and maybe I'll be able to brute force my way to the quality animation, at least I hope so.

Anyway, I was going to finish all my ongoing projects in December (wips and poll winners) to start the new year with a clean slate. But as you can see, my plans didn't come to fruition, I still have a fuckton of projects, so I want to finish them all in January.

Other than that, I want to take it slow in the next month, take a few days break from the porn, watch hours of blender tutorials that I saved this year and didn't watch and have a good time in general. More Link for the next year, more Mei and more other variety stuff, hopefully. Thank you again and merry Christmas!

Also, I still have two animations almost finished and I hope to release them until the end of the year



best wishes for you,have a good 2022

Trace XL

Sounds good to me. Learn, grow, conquer. See you in the new year.


Take your time with your art, I don't think anyone is against you taking time to hone your skills and relax a bit too. We'll be here!


Hope you have a wonderful holiday break! We'll still be here!!


Hey man, keep experimenting and improving, how much you produce and the basis at which you do so might fluctuate a lot but I still think the slower upload schedule was acceptable and as long as it does fall into like 2 things a year you’re good bro. We love you man take things easy for a few 🤟


Best of luck in the future! And I guess I’ll just throw this out there…if you ever need help animating I know an animator or two who might be happy to work with you and some of your incredible stuff. They just can’t model as well as you can. Just send me a message if you’re thinking about outsourcing. Otherwise keep you the great work!


Oh yeah, of course, I think you just need a little more time to practice the more complicated things and there is no doubt that you will succeed. Best wishes!


You are the best my guy