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Hello Agents!

The game has now been updated to version 0.1.4. This release add new content and features to the game, including a significant rework to the combat system and the ability to have squad members!

There will be one more content patch focused on Chapter 1. Afterwards, we will move on to Chapter 2.

Have fun!


  • Content: You can now ask Ava to join your squad early. The option is available in Storage room 1A once she reaches evolution level 1. Some adjustments have been made to various scenes to account for her presence.

  • Content: Emilia can now join your squad early. This option is available in Laboratory 1A once you have made enough progress on the campaign quest and have raised her trust score to 5.

  • Content: A new character, Lina, is available on the Compliant path.

  • Content: Added a new dual drone random enemy encounter and threesome sex scene in Chapter 1.

  • Content: Added a new character, Victoria Cross.

  • Content: Added a new side quest, Knee deep in the goo.

  • Content: Added slimes as a new enemy encounter in Chapter 1 with their accompanying sex scenes.

  • Content: Added a new clothing item, the slime suit.

  • Content: Added a new achievement "One Man Army".

  • Feature: The combat system has been entirely reworked to be more flexible.

  • Feature: Added the ability to have squad members.

  • Feature: Combat turn action order is now determined by an initiative statistic. Player, allies and enemies have all received an initiative value.

  • Feature: There is a new option in the settings menu to display values instead of percentages.

  • Improvement: Player statistics in the sidebar will now update in real-time during combat.

  • Improvement: Some scenes have been altered to have additional content when Lina is in the squad.

  • Improvement: Ambient music now has additional variety.

  • Improvement: Calling Ava after defeating an enemy will no longer be possible once she has evolved to level 1 as it serves no purpose.

  • Improvement: There is a new "join squad" option for Emilia if players handed out the campaign quest before the "Memories" side quest.

  • Bugfix: It is no longer possible to get a handjob from Emilia if you have a parasite. Thanks to vitegram for reporting this.

  • Bugfix: Fixed a few instances where Ava would be referred to by her default name instead of the customized one.


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