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Hey there everyone!

First, thanks for all the feedback you have sent us on Silent Echo's early access version. We're currently in the process of fixing the bugs you have reported and completing the polishing phase. The public build will be released next week before the competition ends.

iPad support

In regards to bugs, I have some very good news. We have recently acquired an iPad which will allow us to look into improving support for iPad players and apple devices for all of our games. One of the first bugs we have fixed thanks to this new device is the crazy stretching that happened on iPads when zooming on sex scenes.

We will be looking into more iOS specific issues that were previously reported, especially on Starwatch Academy.

Starwatch Academy

In other news, our writer is now out of the hospital and completing his recovery. We expect to resume development of Starwatch Academy in two weeks or so.

Patreon membership tiers update

We have reworked the membership tiers to make it easier to see what you're going to get.

Previously, some of the wording was unclear, especially in regards to voting power. This is now fixed and there is no longer any ambiguity. Everything you get is explicitely stated.

In addition, the Vice Admiral tier has been retired as we felt it was very redundant. It had the same perks as the Captain tier except with increased voting power.

That's it for this week!
We wish you all a nice easter weekend!


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