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I'm dying... (´Д`;) but nonetheless! Tomorrow I will post the reward for February! (⸝⸝ᵕᴗᵕ⸝⸝)

I saw that many artists send links to clouds to each of their subscribers... I don’t know why, but I should probably do the same??..




I love it. She looks great!


Sending links to content is an anti-piracy thing. There are site scrapers that will go around and pay once to download all the content, then upload it to piracy sites. The scrapers will copy posts but won't receive the links, so it won't get the art. Other things artists do is provide unique links to users. This way they can A-B test or other investigative methods to see if certain users are uploading their work. It's unfortunate that artists have to go through so much effort to protect their content. But, that's just the state of things...


Wow, it's sad that this exists. Unfortunately, there is no escape from piracy тт Thank you for informing. Even though I have a small audience and it’s unlikely that anyone will want to steal my private content, I'll try to understand this topic. Thank you!