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Hello everyone!

I know I haven't been talking that much on the Patreon. But I promise that's going to change and I'm going to put 10x the love into the Patreon. I would like to start by introducing regular monthly Q&As on the Patreon content that way I can keep improving the content that goes up here. Even though it's not the end of the month, I would like to ask you all how you feel about the content you've been receiving so far.

Are you all happy with the services, is there anything you'd like to see more of, or maybe any suggestions on how to improve the Patreon?

Later this month I'll ask this question again, and then I'll ask it again at the end of the next month :D

Thank you, all opinions welcome <3
(Please don't be shy!)

~Sleepingzzz 💋


Lexx Barton

Would you do some fantasy asmr?


Hey Sleepy sorry for the super late reply to this. I got busy when you posted this then forgot to leave a reply. So for what i would like to see. I would just like to have more wholesome videos on here. I like your nsfw videos but I mostly listen to asmr for the wholesome content when am in bed before going to sleep.