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Hey guys,

I just wanna take a second to apologize real quick for the lack of content over the past week or two, unfortunately life happens and I've been having a lot of issues in my professional career and personal life that pop up and need to get sorted.

I don't wanna make excuses but life sometimes happens and you gotta power through you know?

Thankfully I should be getting back in the saddle with more content to come so stay tuned!

Thanks guys,
Sleepingzzz 💋


Caleb Priddy

That's okay! Take your time!


No problem sleepy, take ur time, we’re here 4 u if you need anything :3


dont worry sleepy, we're all gonna be here for you no matter what


No problem Sleepy you already provide a lot content. I'd rather you take your time than just push out something because you have to. All of us need a little rest even wicked ones 😉❤


we are here for support, no worries sleepies 💓


It's cool, no worries xx

Jake the Femboy (edited)

Comment edits

2023-03-05 15:57:31 It's okie hunny, We love you no matter what. Its ok to take a breather from time to time. No one expects you to do everything and not have stress over it. You make more than enough content for us and we are blessed to have it. In the famous words of Bob Marley, "Don't worry about a thing, Cause every little thing gonna be all right." Some people don't like hearing this but talking to someone you trust about your problems helps. A lot of people these days are in therapy. So don't be ashamed about being overwhelmed. Stay Safe. Hopefully you have someone in your life that you can cuddle with. :3 Your Feminine Fanboy, Jake xoxo :3 <3 p.s. Cuddles and hugs are the safest kind of drug.
2023-03-05 07:32:44 It's okie hunny, We love you no matter what. Its ok to take a breather from time to time. No one expects you to do everything and not have stress over it. You make more than enough content for us and we are blessed to have it. In the famous words of Bob Marley, "Don't worry about a thing, Cause every little thing gonna be all right." Some people don't like hearing this but talking to someone you trust about your problems helps. A lot of people these days are in therapy. So don't be ashamed about being overwhelmed. Stay Safe. Hopefully you have someone in your life that you can cuddle with. :3 Your Feminine Fanboy, Jake xoxo :3 <3 p.s. Cuddles and hugs are the safest kind of drug.

It's okie hunny, We love you no matter what. Its ok to take a breather from time to time. No one expects you to do everything and not have stress over it. You make more than enough content for us and we are blessed to have it. In the famous words of Bob Marley, "Don't worry about a thing, Cause every little thing gonna be all right." Some people don't like hearing this but talking to someone you trust about your problems helps. A lot of people these days are in therapy. So don't be ashamed about being overwhelmed. Stay Safe. Hopefully you have someone in your life that you can cuddle with. :3 Your Feminine Fanboy, Jake xoxo :3 <3 p.s. Cuddles and hugs are the safest kind of drug.

Sleepingzzz (edited)

Comment edits

2023-03-05 15:57:34 Awe thanks darling that's very sweet of you to say&lt;3
2023-03-05 07:48:30 Awe thanks darling that's very sweet of you to say<3

Awe thanks darling that's very sweet of you to say<3