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After a long day of shopping a femboy has to unwind right? What better way to get him relaxed than with a game of Truth or Dare? Think your plan might be more effective than you thought it would be. Seems like you both wanted the same thing all along c;

Youtube took this down because it apparently violated their guidelines! I guess that's just how the cookie crumbles.




This made me want to listen to my favorite song 10/10


Poe is my fave and Dream Within A Dream is such a lovely one, would love to hear you just reading some poetry/stories 💜


Hells to the yeah, I'm so excited for the future of your content. Def have one of the most soothing voices in the biz, imo. Thank you sweetheart 💜

Richard Decker II

I loved the poetry, but I loved the story too and most of all I love your voice it is so sexy.