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It had been 3 years since they last saw each other. Both of them had dated other people, lived in other places, learned new coping skills and yetā€¦never got over one another. But who would make the first move and reach out? On a windy August afternoon, he decided he couldnā€™t suppress his emotions nor stay away from her any longer. After a long phone call in which he confessed his undying feelings for her, she agreed to meet him at a lavish hotel in the cityā€¦

He got to the suite a few minutes before she did and paced around the room, his heart beating out of his chest. This was the longest they hadnā€™t seen each other during their decade-long romance. Based on their phone call, he knew the tension between them would be through the roof. He practically jumped when he heard a knock at the door, nearly seeing white. She was the love of his life and he would do anything to end up with her. He walked over to the door, turned the knob and braced himself. Not only was she in better shape, her skin was clearer and her curly hair was down to her ass. She smiled at him with wide eyes, looking even more beautiful than she did in his dreams. ā€œHey strangerā€ she said to him, mutually enamored at how sexy and charismatic he still was. She walked into the room while he closed the door behind her, followed by an instantly passionate embrace. ā€œI missed you so fucking much. The way you smell, the way your skin feels against mineā€¦I never want to lose you againā€ he whispered into her ear. They slightly pulled back and looked each other straight in the eyes, their lips an inch or two away from each other. Her eyes filled with tears and a moan escaped her lips, as her mouth gently began to caress his. Initially, she planned on refraining from kissing him. However, the electricity between them was mind-bendingā€¦she couldnā€™t ignore how connected her body felt to his. Thousands of fireworks exploded in their minds, both of them completely submitting to temptation. She put her little hands on his shaven face, breathing him in as much as she could. As he undid the buttons on her long summer dress, his eyes nearly popped out of their sockets at what he saw underneath. Her body was even more gorgeous than the last time he saw it, drizzled in slutty lingerie set she picked out for him. He picked her up after she took his pants off, pinning her against the wall. She wrapped her arms around his stunning neck, as he kissed in her in as many different places as he could. ā€œIā€™ve been fantasizing about your cock every night since weā€™ve separated. My pussy is so tight from how long itā€™s been waiting for you, babyā€ she cried, hypnotized by the way his thickness felt against her wet hole. The chemistry between them was so intense, so passionateā€¦it almost felt like they were on drugs. Maintaining eye contact the entire time he entered her, both of them rapidly fell into a trance from how intense their sexual chemistry wasā€¦from how fucking starved they were for one another after years apart. They began to slowly make love, drowning in pure ecstasyā€¦ā¤ļøā€šŸ”„



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