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[Girlfriend Roleplay] [ASMR] [Comfort] [Affirmations] [Personal Attention] [Background Noise] [Open Windows] [Pouring Rain] [Soothing Voice] [Wind] [Stormy Weather] [Don’t Worry] [I'm Here for You] [Make You Feel Better] [It's Okay] [Right By Your Side] [Rain Or Shine] [You Didn’t Deserve That] [Childhood Trauma] [Suffer] [Persevere] [Light Of Your Life] [Perceptive] [Your Needs] [Good Wife] [Do It All] [Shoulder To Cry On] [Abandonment] [Listen] [Find Hope] [In Tomorrow] [Temporary Pain] [Happy Moments Ahead] [Appreciate Everything You Do] [Acknowledge] [Trusting Of Each Other] [Healing] [I Love You] [Obstacles] [Not Alone] [Rely On Me] [Best Interest At Heart] [Good Intentions] [Therapy] [Proud Of You] [Going Consistently] [Improvements] [Stability] [Anxiety] [Depression] [Comes and Goes] [Help You Manage It] [Let Me Know] [What I Can Do] [Beautiful Person] [On The Horizon] [Shining Sun] [Metaphorical] [Hope For Tomorrow] [It’s Okay Baby] [You'll Move Past It] [Strong Person] [Good Heart] [Pain You Carry] [Treat Me Like Gold] [Fell In Love With You] [Lay With Me] [Relax] [Go Somewhere Later] [Smile On Your Face] [Favorite Restaurant] [Whatever Makes You Happy] [Come Here] [Big Spoon] [Rest Your Head] [On My Shoulder] [Close Your Eyes] [Deep Breathing] [Everything Will Be Okay] [I’ll Make Sure It Is]


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